by Henrik Ibsen

  (THE SAME SCENE—The Christmas Tree is in the corner by the piano,stripped of its ornaments and with burnt-down candle-ends on itsdishevelled branches. NORA'S cloak and hat are lying on the sofa.She is alone in the room, walking about uneasily. She stops by the sofaand takes up her cloak.)

  Nora (drops the cloak). Someone is coming now! (Goes tothe door and listens.) No—it is no one. Of course, no one will cometoday, Christmas Day—nor tomorrow either. But, perhaps—(opens thedoor and looks out.) No, nothing in the letter-box; it is quiteempty. (Comes forward.) What rubbish! of course he can't be inearnest about it. Such a thing couldn't happen; it is impossible—I havethree little children.

  (Enter the NURSE from the room on the left, carrying a bigcardboard box.)

  Nurse. At last I have found the box with the fancy dress.

  Nora. Thanks; put it on the table.

  Nurse (doing so). But it is very much in want of mending.

  Nora. I should like to tear it into a hundred thousand pieces.

  Nurse. What an idea! It can easily be put in order—just a littlepatience.

  Nora. Yes, I will go and get Mrs. Linde to come and help me with it.

  Nurse. What, out again? In this horrible weather? You will catchcold, ma'am, and make yourself ill.

  Nora. Well, worse than that might happen. How are the children?

  Nurse. The poor little souls are playing with their Christmaspresents, but—

  Nora. Do they ask much for me?

  Nurse. You see, they are so accustomed to have their mamma withthem.

  Nora. Yes, but, nurse, I shall not be able to be so much withthem now as I was before.

  Nurse. Oh well, young children easily get accustomed to anything.

  Nora. Do you think so? Do you think they would forget theirmother if she went away altogether?

  Nurse. Good heavens!—went away altogether?

  Nora. Nurse, I want you to tell me something I have oftenwondered about—how couldyou have the heart to put your own child out among strangers?

  Nurse. I was obliged to, if I wanted to be little Nora's nurse.

  Nora. Yes, but how could you be willing to do it?

  Nurse. What, when I was going to get such a good place by it? Apoor girl who has got into trouble should be glad to. Besides, thatwicked man didn't do a single thing for me.

  Nora. But I suppose your daughter has quite forgotten you.

  Nurse. No, indeed she hasn't. She wrote to me when she wasconfirmed, and when she was married.

  Nora (putting her arms round her neck). Dear old Anne,you were a good mother to me when I was little.

  Nurse. Little Nora, poor dear, had no other mother but me.

  Nora. And if my little ones had no other mother, I am sure youwould—What nonsense I am talking! (Opens the box.) Go in tothem. Now I must—. You will see tomorrow how charming I shall look.

  Nurse. I am sure there will be no one at the ball so charming asyou, ma'am. (Goes into the room on the left.)

  Nora (begins to unpack the box, but soon pushes it away fromher). If only I dared go out. If only no one would come. If only Icould be sure nothing would happen here in the meantime. Stuff andnonsense! No one will come. Only I mustn't think about it. Iwill brush my muff. What lovely, lovely gloves! Out of my thoughts, outof my thoughts! One, two, three, four, five, six—(Screams.) Ah!there is someone coming—. (Makes a movement towards the door, butstands irresolute.)

  (Enter MRS. LINDE from the hall, where she has taken off hercloak and hat.)

  Nora. Oh, it's you, Christine. There is no one else out there, isthere? How good of you to come!

  Mrs. Linde. I heard you were up asking for me.

  Nora. Yes, I was passing by. As a matter of fact, it is somethingyou could help me with. Let us sit down here on the sofa. Look here.Tomorrow evening there is to be a fancy-dress ball at the Stenborgs',who live above us; and Torvald wants me to go as a Neapolitanfisher-girl, and dance the Tarantella that I learnt at Capri.

  Mrs. Linde. I see; you are going to keep up the character.

  Nora. Yes, Torvald wants me to. Look, here is the dress; Torvaldhad it made for me there, but now it is all so torn, and I haven't anyidea—

  Mrs. Linde. We will easily put that right. It is only some of thetrimming come unsewn here and there. Needle and thread? Now then, that'sall we want.

  Nora. It is nice of you.

  Mrs. Linde (sewing). So you are going to be dressed uptomorrow, Nora. I will tell you what—I shall come in for a moment andseeyou in your fine feathers. But I have completely forgotten to thank youfor a delightful evening yesterday.

  Nora (gets up, and crosses the stage). Well I don't thinkyesterday was as pleasant as usual. You ought to have come to town alittle earlier, Christine. Certainly Torvald does understand how to makea house dainty and attractive.

  Mrs. Linde. And so do you, it seems to me; you are not yourfather's daughter for nothing. But tell me, is Doctor Rank always asdepressed as he was yesterday?

  Nora. No; yesterday it was very noticeable. I must tell you thathe suffers from a very dangerous disease. He has consumption ofthe spine, poor creature. His father was a horrible man who committedall sorts of excesses; and that is why his son was sickly fromchildhood, do you understand?

  Mrs. Linde (dropping her sewing). But, my dearest Nora,how do you know anything about such things?

  Nora (walking about). Pooh! When you have three children,you get visits now and then from—from married women, who know somethingof medical matters, and they talk about one thing and another.

  Mrs. Linde (goes on sewing. A short silence). Does DoctorRank come here every day?

  Nora. Every day regularly. He is Torvald's most intimate friend,and a great friend of mine too. He is just like one of the family.

  Mrs. Linde. But tell me this—is heperfectly sincere? I mean, isn't he the kind of a man that is very anxiousto make himself agreeable?

  Nora. Not in the least. What makes you think that?

  Mrs. Linde. When you introduced him to me yesterday, he declaredhe had often heard my name mentioned in this house; but afterwards Inoticed that your husband hadn't the slightest idea who I was. So howcould Doctor Rank—?

  Nora. That is quite right, Christine. Torvald is so absurdly fondof me that he wants me absolutely to himself, as he says. At first heused to seem almost jealous if I mentioned any of the dear folk at home,so naturally I gave up doing so. But I often talk about such things withDoctor Rank, because he likes hearing about them.

  Mrs. Linde. Listen to me, Nora. You are still very like a childin many ways, and I am older than you in many ways and have a littlemore experience. Let me tell you this—you ought to make an end of itwith Doctor Rank.

  Nora. What ought I to make an end of?

  Mrs. Linde. Of two things, I think. Yesterday you talked somenonsense about a rich admirer who was to leave you money—

  Nora. An admirer who doesn't exist, unfortunately! But what then?

  Mrs. Linde. Is Doctor Rank a man of means?

  Nora. Yes, he is.

  Mrs. Linde. And has no one to provide for?

  Nora. No, no one; but—

  Mrs. Linde. And comes here every day?

  Nora. Yes, I told you so.

  Mrs. Linde. But how can this well-bred man be so tactless?

  Nora. I don't understand you at all.

  Mrs. Linde. Don't prevaricate, Nora. Do you suppose I don't guesswho lent you the two hundred and fifty pounds.

  Nora. Are you out of your senses? How can you think of such athing! A friend of ours, who comes here every day! Do you realise what ahorribly painful position that would be?

  Mrs. Linde. Then it really isn't he?

  Nora. No, certainly not. It would never have entered into my headfor a moment. Besides, he had no money to lend then; he came into hismoney afterwards.

  Mrs. Linde. Well, I think that was lucky for you, my dear Nora.

  Nora. No, it would never have come into my head to ask DoctorRank. Although I am quite sure that if I had asked him—

  Mrs. Linde. But of course you won't.

  Nora. Of course not. I have no reason to think it could possiblybe necessary. But I am quite sure that if I told Doctor Rank—

  Mrs. Linde. Behind your husband's back?

  Nora. I must make an end of it with the other one, and that willbe behind his back too. I must make an end of it with him.

  Mrs. Linde. Yes, that is what I told you yesterday, but—

  Nora (walking up and down). A man can put a thing likethat straight much easier than a woman—

  Mrs. Linde. One's husband, yes.

  Nora. Nonsense! (Standing still.) When you pay off a debtyou get your bond back, don't you?

  Mrs. Linde. Yes, as a matter of course.

  Nora. And can tear it into a hundred thousand pieces, and burn itup—the nasty, dirty paper!

  Mrs. Linde (looks hard at her, lays down her sewing and getsup slowly). Nora, you are concealing something from me.

  Nora. Do I look as if I were?

  Mrs. Linde. Something has happened to you since yesterdaymorning. Nora, what is it?

  Nora (going nearer to her). Christine! (Listens.)Hush! there's Torvald come home. Do you mind going in to the childrenfor the present? Torvald can't bear to see dressmaking going on. LetAnne help you.

  Mrs. Linde (gathering some of the things together).Certainly—but I am not going away from here till we have had it outwith one another. (She goes into the room, on the left, as Helmercomes in from, the hall.)

  Nora (going up to HELMAR). I have wanted you so much,Torvald dear.

  Helmer. Was that the dressmaker?

  Nora. No, it was Christine; she is helping me to put my dress inorder. You will see I shall look quite smart.

  Helmer. Wasn't that a happy thought of mine, now?

  Nora. Splendid! But don't you think it is nice of me, too, to doas you wish?

  Helmer. Nice?—because you do as yourhusband wishes? Well, well, you little rogue, I am sure you did not meanit in that way. But I am not going to disturb you; you will want to betrying on your dress, I expect.

  Nora. I suppose you are going to work.

  Helmer. Yes. (Shows her a bundle of papers.) Look at that.I have just been into the bank. (Turns to go into his room.)

  Nora. Torvald.

  Helmer. Yes.

  Nora. If your little squirrel were to ask you for something very,very prettily—?

  Helmer. What then?

  Nora. Would you do it?

  Helmer. I should like to hear what it is, first.

  Nora. Your squirrel would run about and do all her tricks if youwould be nice, and do what she wants.

  Helmer. Speak plainly.

  Nora. Your skylark would chirp about in every room, with her songrising and falling—

  Helmer. Well, my skylark does that anyhow.

  Nora. I would play the fairy and dance for you in the moonlight,Torvald.

  Helmer. Nora—you surely don't mean that request you made of methis morning?

  Nora (going near him). Yes, Torvald, I beg you soearnestly—

  Helmer. Have you really the courage to open up that questionagain?

  Nora. Yes, dear, you must do as I ask; you must letKrogstad keep his post in the bank.

  Helmer. My dear Nora, it is his post that I have arranged Mrs.Linde shall have.

  Nora. Yes, you have been awfully kind about that; but you couldjust as well dismiss some other clerk instead of Krogstad.

  Helmer. This is simply incredible obstinacy! Because you chose togive him a thoughtless promise that you would speak for him, I amexpected to—

  Nora. That isn't the reason, Torvald. It is for your own sake.This fellow writes in the most scurrilous newspapers; you have told meso yourself. He can do you an unspeakable amount of harm. I amfrightened to death of him—

  Helmer. Ah, I understand; it is recollections of the past thatscare you.

  Nora. What do you mean?

  Helmer. Naturally you are thinking of your father.

  Nora. Yes—yes, of course. Just recall to your mind what thesemalicious creatures wrote in the papers about papa, and how horriblythey slandered him. I believe they would have procured his dismissal ifthe Department had not sent you over to inquire into it, and if you hadnot been so kindly disposed and helpful to him.

  Helmer. My little Nora, there is an important difference betweenyour father and me. Your father's reputation as a public official wasnot above suspicion. Mine is, and I hope it will continue to be so, aslong as I hold my office.

  Nora. You never can tell what mischief these men may contrive. Weought to be so well off, so snug and happy here in our peaceful home,and have no cares—you and I and the children, Torvald! That is why Ibeg you so earnestly—

  Helmer. And it is just by interceding for him that you make itimpossible for me to keep him. It is already known at the Bank that Imean to dismiss Krogstad. Is it to get about now that the new managerhas changed his mind at his wife's bidding—

  Nora. And what if it did?

  Helmer. Of course!—if only this obstinate little person can gether way! Do you suppose I am going to make myself ridiculous before mywhole staff, to let people think that I am a man to be swayed by allsorts of outside influence? I should very soon feel the consequences ofit, I can tell you. And besides, there is one thing that makes it quiteimpossible for me to have Krogstad in the bank as long as I am manager.

  Nora. Whatever is that?

  Helmer. His moral failings I might perhaps have overlooked, ifnecessary—

  Nora. Yes, you could—couldn't you?

  Helmer. And, I hear he is a good worker, too. But I knew him whenwe were boys. It was one of those rash friendships that so often provean incubus in after life. I may as well tell you plainly, we were onceon very intimate terms with one another. But this tactless fellow laysno restraint upon himself when other people are present. On thecontrary, he thinks it gives him the right to adopt a familiar tone withme, and every minute it is "I say, Helmer, old fellow!" and that sort ofthing. I assureyou it is extremely painful to me. He would make my position in the bankintolerable.

  Nora. Torvald, I don't believe you mean that.

  Helmer. Don't you? Why not?

  Nora. Because it is such a narrow-minded way of looking at things.

  Helmer. What are you saying? Narrow-minded? Do you think I amnarrow-minded?

  Nora. No, just the opposite, dear—and it is exactly for that reason.

  Helmer. It's the same thing. You say my point of view isnarrow-minded, so I must be so, too. Narrow-minded! Very well—I mustput an end to this. (Goes to the hall door and calls.) Helen!

  Nora. What are you going to do?

  Helmer (looking among his papers). Settle it.(Enter MAID.) Look here; take this letter and go downstairs withit at once. Find a messenger and tell him to deliver it, and be quick.The address is on it, and here is the money.

  Maid. Very well, sir. (Exit with the letter.)

  Helmer (putting his papers together). Now, then, littleMiss Obstinate.

  Nora (breathlessly). Torvald—what was that letter?

  Helmer. Krogstad's dismissal.

  Nora. Call her back, Torvald! There is still time. Oh Torvald,call her back! Do it for my sake—for your own sake, for the children'ssake! Do you hear me, Torvald? Call her back! You don't know what thatletter can bring upon us.

  Helmer. It's too late.

  Nora. Yes, it's too late.

  Helmer. My dear Nora, I can forgive the anxiety you are in,although really it is an insult to me. It is, indeed. Isn't it an insultto think that I should be afraid of a starving quill-driver's vengeance?But I forgive you, nevertheless, because it is such eloquent witness toyour great love for me. (Takes her in his arms.) And that is asit should be, my own darling Nora. Come what will, you may be sure Ishall have both courage and strength if they be needed. You will see Iam man enough to take everything upon myself.

  Nora (in a horror-stricken voice). What do you mean bythat?

  Helmer. Everything I say—

  Nora (recovering herself). You will never have to do that.

  Helmer. That's right. Well, we will share it, Nora, as man andwife should. That is how it shall be. (Caressing her.) Are youcontent now? There! There!—not these frightened dove's eyes! The wholething is only the wildest fancy!—Now, you must go and play through theTarantella and practice with your tambourine. I shall go into the inneroffice and shut the door, and I shall hear nothing; you can make as muchnoise as you please. (Turns back at the door.) And when Rankcomes, tell him where he will find me. (Nods to her, takes his papersand goes into his room, and shuts the door after him.)

  Nora (bewildered with anxiety, stands as if rooted to thespot, and whispers). He wascapable of doing it. He will do it. He will do it in spite ofeverything.—No, not that! Never, never! Anything rather than that! Oh,for some help, some way out of it. (The door-bell rings.) DoctorRank! Anything rather than that—anything, whatever it is! (She putsher hands over her face, pulls herself together, goes to the door andopens it. RANK is standing without, hanging up his coat. Duringthe following dialogue it begins to grow dark.)

  Nora. Good-day, Doctor Rank. I knew your ring. But you mustn't gointo Torvald now; I think he is busy with something.

  Rank. And you?

  Nora (brings him in and shuts the door after him). Oh, youknow very well I always have time for you.

  Rank. Thank you. I shall make use of as much of it as I can.

  Nora. What do you mean by that? As much of it as you can.

  Rank. Well, does that alarm you?

  Nora. It was such a strange way of putting it. Is anything likelyto happen?

  Rank. Nothing but what I have long been prepared for. But Icertainly didn't expect it to happen so soon.

  Nora (gripping him by the arm). What have you found out?Doctor Rank, you must tell me.

  Rank (sitting down by the stove). It is all up with me.And it can't be helped.

  Nora (with a sigh of relief). Is it about yourself?

  Rank. Who else? It is no use lying to one's self. I am the mostwretched of all my patients,Mrs. Helmer. Lately I have been taking stock of my internal economy.Bankrupt! Probably within a month I shall lie rotting in thechurch-yard.

  Nora. What an ugly thing to say!

  Rank. The thing itself is cursedly ugly, and the worst of it isthat I shall have to face so much more that is ugly before that. I shallonly make one more examination of myself; when I have done that, I shallknow pretty certainly when it will be that the horrors of dissolutionwill begin. There is something I want to tell you. Helmer's refinednature gives him an unconquerable disgust of everything that is ugly;I won't have him in my sick-room.

  Nora. Oh, but, Doctor Rank—

  Rank. I won't have him there. Not on any account. I bar my doorto him. As soon as I am quite certain that the worst has come, I shallsend you my card with a black cross on it, and then you will know thatthe loathsome end has begun.

  Nora. You are quite absurd to-day. And I wanted you so much to bein a really good humour.

  Rank. With death stalking beside me?—To have to pay this penaltyfor another man's sin! Is there any justice in that? And in every singlefamily, in one way or another, some such inexorable retribution is beingexacted—

  Nora (putting her hands over her ears). Rubbish! Do talkof something cheerful.

  Rank. Oh, it's a mere laughing matter, the whole thing. My poorinnocent spine has to suffer for my father's youthful amusements.

  Nora (sitting at the table on the left). I suppose youmean that he was too partial to asparagus and pate de foie gras, don'tyou?

  Rank. Yes, and to truffles.

  Nora. Truffles, yes. And oysters too, I suppose?

  Rank. Oysters, of course, that goes without saying.

  Nora. And heaps of port and champagne. It is sad that all thesenice things should take their revenge on our bones.

  Rank. Especially that they should revenge themselves on theunlucky bones of those who have not had the satisfaction of enjoyingthem.

  Nora. Yes, that's the saddest part of it all.

  Rank (with a searching look at her). Hm!—

  Nora (after a short pause). Why did you smile?

  Rand. No, it was you that laughed.

  Nora. No, it was you that smiled, Doctor Rank!

  Rank (rising). You are a greater rascal than I thought.

  Nora. I am in a silly mood today.

  Rank. So it seems.

  Nora (putting her hands on his shoulders). Dear, dearDoctor Rank, death mustn't take you away from Torvald and me.

  Rank. It is a loss you would easily recover from. Those who aregone are soon forgotten.

  Nora (looking at him anxiously). Do you believe that?

  Rank. People form new ties, and then—

  Nora. Who will form new ties?

  Rank. Both you and Helmer, when I am gone. You yourself arealready on the high road to it, I think. What did that Mrs. Linde wanthere last night?

  Nora. Oho!—you don't mean to say you are jealous of poorChristine?

  Rank. Yes, I am. She will be my successor in this house. When Iam done for, this woman will—

  Nora. Hush! don't speak so loud. She is in that room.

  Rank. To-day again. There, you see.

  Nora. She has only come to sew my dress for me. Bless my soul,how unreasonable you are! (Sits down on the sofa.) Be nice now,Doctor Rank, and to-morrow you will see how beautifully I shall dance,and you can imagine I am doing it all for you—and for Torvald too, ofcourse. (Takes various things out of the box.) Doctor Rank, comeand sit down here, and I will show you something.

  Rank (sitting down). What is it?

  Nora. Just look at those.

  Rank. Silk stockings.

  Nora. Flesh-coloured. Aren't they lovely? It is so dark here now,but to-morrow—. No, no, no! you must only look at the feet. Oh, well,you may have leave to look at the legs too.

  Rank. Hm!—

  Nora. Why are you looking so critical? Don't you think they willfit me?

  Rank. I have no means of forming an opinion about that.

  Nora (looks at him for a moment). For shame! (Hits himlightly on the ear with the stockings.) That's to punish you.(Folds them up again.)

  Rank. And what other nice things am I to be allowed to see?

  Nora. Not a single thing more, for being so naughty. (Shelooks among the things, humming to herself.)

  Rank (after a short silence). When I am sitting here,talking to you as intimately as this, I cannot imagine for a moment whatwould have become of me if I had never come into this house.

  Nora (smiling). I believe you do feel thoroughly at homewith us.

  Rank (in a lower voice, looking straight in front of him).And to be obliged to leave it all—

  Nora. Nonsense, you are not going to leave it.

  Rank (as before). And not be able to leave behind one theslightest token of one's gratitude, scarcely even a fleetingregret—nothing but an empty place which the first comer can fill aswell as any other.

  Nora. And if I asked you now for a—? No!

  Rank. For what?

  Nora. For a big proof of your friendship—

  Rank. Yes, yes.

  Nora. I mean a tremendously big favour—

  Rank. Would you really make me so happy for once?

  Nora. Ah, but you don't know what it is yet.

  Rank. No—but tell me.

  Nora. I really can't, Doctor Rank. It is something out of allreason; it means advice, and help, and a favour—

  Rank. The bigger a thing it is the better. I can't conceive whatit is you mean. Do tell me. Haven't I your confidence?

  Nora. More than anyone else. I know you are my truest and bestfriend, and so I will tell you what it is. Well, Doctor Rank, it issomething you must help me to prevent. You know how devotedly, howinexpressibly deeply Torvald loves me; he would never for a momenthesitate to give his life for me.

  Rank (leaning toward her). Nora—do you think he is theonly one—?

  Nora (with a slight start). The only one—?

  Rank. The only one who would gladly give his life for your sake.

  Nora (sadly). Is that it?

  Rank. I was determined you should know it before I went away, andthere will never be a better opportunity than this. Now you know it,Nora. And now you know, too, that you can trust me as you would trust noone else.

  Nora (rises deliberately and quietly). Let me pass.

  Rank (makes room for her to pass him, but sits still). Nora!

  Nora (at the hall door). Helen, bring in the lamp.(Goes over to the stove.) Dear Doctor Rank, that was reallyhorrid of you.

  Rank. To have loved you as much as anyone else does? Was thathorrid?

  Nora. No, but to go and tell me so. There was really no need—

  Rank. What do you mean? Did you know—? (MAID enters withlamp, puts it down on the table, and goes out.) Nora—Mrs.Helmer—tell me, had you any idea of this?

  Nora. Oh, how do I know whether I had or whether I hadn't. Ireally can't tell you—To think you could be so clumsy, Doctor Rank! Wewere getting on so nicely.

  Bank. Well, at all events you know now that you can command me,body and soul. So won't you speak out?

  Nora (looking at him). After what happened?

  Rank. I beg you to let me know what it is.

  Nora. I can't tell you anything now.

  Rank. Yes, yes. You mustn't punish me in that way. Let me havepermission to do for you whatever a man may do.

  Nora. You can do nothing for me now. Besides, I really don't needany help at all. You will find that the whole thing is merely fancy onmy part. It really is so—of course it is! (Sits down in therocking-chair, and looks at him with a smile.) You are a nice sortof man, Doctor Rank!—don't you feel ashamed of yourself, now the lamphas come?

  Rank. Not a bit. But perhaps I had better go—forever?

  Nora. No, indeed, you shall not. Of course you must come herejust as before. You know very well Torvald can't do without you.

  Rank. Yes, but you?

  Nora. Oh, I am always tremendously pleased when you come.

  Rank. It is just that, that put me on thewrong track. You are a riddle to me. I have often thought that you wouldalmost as soon be in my company as in Helmer's.

  Nora. Yes—you see there are some people one loves best, andothers whom one would almost always rather have as companions.

  Rank. Yes, there is something in that.

  Nora. When I was at home, of course I loved papa best. But Ialways thought it tremendous fun if I could steal down into the maids'room, because they never moralized at all, and talked to each otherabout such entertaining things.

  Rank. I see—it is their place I have taken.

  Nora (jumping-up and going to him). Oh, dear, nice DoctorRank, I never meant that at all. But surely you can understand thatbeing with Torvald is a little like being with papa—(Enter MAIDfrom the hall.)

  Maid. If you please, ma'am. (Whispers and hands her acard.)

  Nora (glancing at the card). Oh! (Puts it in herpocket.)

  Rank. Is there anything wrong?

  Nora. No, no, not in the least. It is only something—It is mynew dress—

  Rank. What? Your dress is lying there.

  Nora. Oh, yes, that one; but this is another. I ordered it.Torvald mustn't know about it—

  Rank. Oho! Then that was the great secret.

  Nora. Of course. Just go in to him; he is sitting in the innerroom. Keep him as long as—

  Rank. Make your mind easy; I won't let him escape. (Goesinto HELMER'S room.)

  Nora (to the MAID). And he is standing waiting in thekitchen?

  Maid. Yes; he came up the back stairs.

  Nora. But didn't you tell him no one was in?

  Maid. Yes, but it was no good.

  Nora. He won't go away?

  Maid. No; he says he won't until he has seen you, ma'am.

  Nora. Well, let him come in—but quietly. Helen, you mustn't sayanything about it to any one. It is a surprise for my husband.

  Maid. Yes, ma'am, I quite understand. (Exit.)

  Nora. This dreadful thing is going to happen. It will happen inspite of me! No, no, no, it can't happen—it shan't happen! (Shebolts the door of HELMER'S room. The MAID opens the halldoor for KROGSTAD and shuts it after him. He is wearing a furcoat, high boots and a fur cap.)

  Nora (advancing towards him). Speak low—my husband is athome.

  Krogstad. No matter about that.

  Nora. What do you want of me?

  Krogstad. An explanation of something.

  Nora. Make haste then. What is it?

  Krogstad. You know, I suppose, that I have got my dismissal.

  Nora. I couldn't prevent it, Mr. Krogstad. I fought as hard as Icould on your side, but it was no good.

  Krogstad. Does your husband love you so little, then? He knowswhat I can expose you to, and yet he ventures—

  Nora. How can you suppose that he has any knowledge of the sort?

  Krogstad. I didn't suppose so at all. It would not be the leastlike our dear Torvald Helmer to show so much courage—

  Nora. Mr. Krogstad, a little respect for my husband, please.

  Krogstad. Certainly—all the respect he deserves. But since youhave kept the matter so carefully to yourself, I make bold to supposethat you have a little clearer idea than you had yesterday, of what itactually is that you have done?

  Nora. More than you could ever teach me.

  Krogstad. Yes, such a bad lawyer as I am.

  Nora. What is it you want of me?

  Krogstad. Only to see how you were, Mrs. Helmer. I have beenthinking about you all day long. A mere cashier—a quill-driver,a—well, a man like me—even he has a little of what is called feeling,you know.

  Nora. Show it, then; think of my little children.

  Krogstad. Have you and your husband thought of mine? But nevermind about that. I only wanted to tell you that you need not take thismatter too seriously. In the first place there will be no accusationmade on my part.

  Nora. No, of course not; I was sure of that.

  Krogstad. The whole thing can be arranged amicably; there is noreason why anyone should know anything about it. It will remain a secretbetween us three.

  Nora. My husband must never get to know anything about it.

  Krogstad. How will you be able to prevent it? Am I to understandthat you can pay the balance that is owing?

  Nora. No, not just at present.

  Krogstad. Or perhaps that you have some expedient for raising themoney soon?

  Nora. No expedient that I mean to make use of.

  Krogstad. Well, in any case, it would have been of no use to younow. If you stood there with ever so much money in your hand, I wouldnever part with your bond.

  Nora. Tell me what purpose you mean to put it to.

  Krogstad. I shall only preserve it—keep it in my possession. Noone who is not concerned in the matter shall have the slightest hint ofit. So that if the thought of it has driven you to any desperateresolution—

  Nora. It has.

  Krogstad. If you had it in your mind to run away from your home—

  Nora. I had.

  Krogstad. Or even something worse—

  Nora. How could you know that?

  Krogstad. Give up the idea.

  Nora. How did you know I had thought of that?

  Krogstad. Most of us think of that at first. I did, too—but Ihadn't the courage.

  Nora (faintly). No more had I.

  Krogstad (in a tone of relief). No, that's it, isn'tit—you hadn't the courage either?

  Nora. No, I haven't—I haven't.

  Krogstad. Besides, it would have been a great piece of folly.Once the first storm at home is over—. I have a letter for your husbandin my pocket.

  Nora. Telling him everything?

  Krogstad. In as lenient a manner as I possibly could.

  Nora (quickly). He mustn't get the letter. Tear it up. Iwill find some means of getting money.

  Krogstad. Excuse me, Mrs. Helmer, but I think I told you just how—

  Nora. I am not speaking of what I owe you. Tell me what sum youare asking my husband for, and I will get the money.

  Krogstad. I am not asking your husband for a penny.

  Nora. What do you want, then?

  Krogstad. I will tell you. I want to rehabilitate myself, Mrs.Helmer; I want to get on; and in that your husband must help me. For thelast year and a half I have not had a hand in anything dishonourable,and all that time I have been struggling in most restrictedcircumstances. I was content to work my way up step by step. Now I amturned out, and I am not going to be satisfied with merely being takeninto favour again. I want to get on, I tell you. I want to get into theBank again, in a higher position. Your husband must make a place forme—

  Nora. That he will never do!

  Krogstad. He will; I know him; he dare not protest. And as soonas I am in there again with him, then you will see! Within a year Ishall be the manager's right hand. It will be Nils Krogstad and notTorvald Helmer who manages the Bank.

  Nora. That's a thing you will never see!

  Krogstad. Do you mean that you will—?

  Nora. I have courage enough for it now.

  Krogstad. Oh, you can't frighten me. A fine, spoilt lady like you—

  Nora. You will see, you will see.

  Krogstad. Under the ice, perhaps? Down into the cold, coal-blackwater? And then, in the spring, to float up to the surface, all horribleand unrecognizable, with your hair fallen out—

  Nora. You can't frighten me.

  Krogstad. Nor you me. People don't do such things, Mrs. Helmer.Besides, what use would it be? I should have him completely in my powerall the same.

  Nora. Afterwards? When I am no longer—

  Krogstad. Have you forgot that it is I who have the keeping ofyour reputation? (Nora stands speechlessly looking at him.) Well,now, I have warned you. Do not do anything foolish. When Helmer has hadmy letter, I shall expect a message from him. And be sure you rememberthat it is your husband himself who has forced me into such ways as thisagain. I will never forgive him for that. Good-bye, Mrs. Helmer.(Exit through the hall.)

  Nora (goes to the hall door, opens it slightly andlistens). He is going. He is not puttingthe letter in the box. Oh, no, no, that's impossible! (Opens the doorby degrees.) What is that? He is standing outside. He is not goingdownstairs. Is he hesitating? Can he—? (A letter drops into the box;then KROGSTAD'S footsteps are heard, till they die away as hegoes downstairs. NORA utters a stifled cry, and runs across theroom to the table by the sofa. A short pause.)

  Nora. In the letter-box. (Steals across to the hall-door.)There it lies—Torvald, Torvald, there is no hope for us now!

  (MRS. LINDE comes in from the room on the left, carrying thedress.)

  Mrs. Linde. There, I can't see anything more to mend now. Wouldyou like to try it on—?

  Nora (in a hoarse whisper). Christine, come here.

  Mrs. Linde (throwing the dress down on the sofa). What isthe matter with you? You look so agitated!

  Nora. Come here. Do you see that letter? There, look—you can seeit through the glass in the letter-box.

  Mrs. Linde. Yes, I see it.

  Nora. That letter is from Krogstad.

  Mrs. Linde. Nora—it was Krogstad who lent you the money!

  Nora. Yes, and now Torvald will know all about it.

  Mrs. Linde. Believe me, Nora, that's the best thing for both of you.

  Nora. You don't know all. I forged a name.

  Mrs. Linde. Good heavens—!

  Nora. I only want to say this to you, Christine—you must be mywitness.

  Mrs. Linde. Your witness! What do you mean? What am I to—?

  Nora. If I should go out of my mind—and it might easily happen—

  Mrs. Linde. Nora!

  Nora. Or if anything else should happen to me—anything, forinstance, that might prevent my being here—

  Mrs. Linde. Nora! Nora! you are quite out of your mind.

  Nora. And if it should happen that there were someone who wantedto take all the responsibility, all the blame, you understand—

  Mrs. Linde. Yes, yes—but how can you suppose—?

  Nora. Then you must be my witness, that it is not true,Christine. I am not out of my mind at all; I am in my right senses now,and I tell you no one else has known anything about it; I and I alone,did the whole thing. Remember that.

  Mrs. Linde. I will, indeed. But I don't understand all this.

  Nora. How should you understand it? A wonderful thing is going tohappen.

  Mrs. Linde. A wonderful thing?

  Nora. Yes, a wonderful thing!—But it is so terrible, Christine;it mustn't happen, not for all the world.

  Mrs. Linde. I will go at once and see Krogstad.

  Nora. Don't go to him; he will do you some harm.

  Mrs. Linde. There was a time when he would gladly do anything formy sake.

  Nora. He?

  Mrs. Linde. Where does he live?

  Nora. How should I know—? Yes (feeling in her pocket)here is his card. But the letter, the letter—!

  Helmer (calls from his room, knocking at the door). Nora.

  Nora (cries out anxiously). Oh, what's that? What do you want?

  Helmer. Don't be so frightened. We are not coming in; you havelocked the door. Are you trying on your dress?

  Nora. Yes, that's it. I look so nice, Torvald.

  Mrs. Linde (who has read the card) I see he lives at thecorner here.

  Nora. Yes, but it's no use. It is hopeless. The letter is lyingthere in the box.

  Mrs. Linde. And your husband keeps the key?

  Nora. Yes, always.

  Mrs. Linde. Krogstad must ask for his letter back unread, he mustfind some pretence—

  Nora. But it is just at this time that Torvald generally—

  Mrs. Linde. You must delay him. Go in to him in the meantime. Iwill come back as soon as I can. (She goes out hurriedly through thehall door.)

  Nora (goes to HELMER'S door, opens it and peepsin). Torvald!

  Helmer (from the inner room). Well? May I venture at lastto come into my own roomagain? Come along, Rank, now you will see—( Halting in thedoorway.) But what is this?

  Nora. What is what, dear?

  Helmer. Rank led me to expect a splendid transformation.

  Rank (in the doorway). I understood so, but evidently Iwas mistaken.

  Nora. Yes, nobody is to have the chance of admiring me in mydress until to-morrow.

  Helmer. But, my dear Nora, you look so worn out. Have you beenpractising too much?

  Nora. No, I have not practised at all.

  Helmer. But you will need to—

  Nora. Yes, indeed I shall, Torvald. But I can't get on a bitwithout you to help me; I have absolutely forgotten the whole thing.

  Helmer. Oh, we will soon work it up again.

  Nora. Yes, help me, Torvald. Promise that you will! I am sonervous about it—all the people—. You must give yourself up to meentirely this evening. Not the tiniest bit of business—you mustn't eventake a pen in your hand. Will you promise, Torvald dear?

  Helmer. I promise. This evening I will be wholly and absolutelyat your service, you helpless little mortal. Ah, by the way, first ofall I will just—(Goes toward the hall-door.)

  Nora. What are you going to do there?

  Helmer. Only see if any letters have come.

  Nora. No, no! don't do that, Torvald!

  Helmer. Why not?

  Nora. Torvald, please don't. There is nothing there.

  Helmer. Well, let me look. (Turns to go tothe letter-box. NORA, at the piano, plays the first bars ofthe Tarantella. HELMER stops in the doorway.) Aha!

  Nora. I can't dance to-morrow if I don't practise with you.

  Helmer (going up to her). Are you really so afraid of it, dear?

  Nora. Yes, so dreadfully afraid of it. Let me practise at once;there is time now, before we go to dinner. Sit down and play for me,Torvald dear; criticise me, and correct me as you play.

  Helmer. With great pleasure, if you wish me to. (Sits down atthe piano.)

  Nora (takes out of the box a tambourine and a long variegatedshawl. She hastily drapes the shawl round her. Then she springs to thefront of the stage and calls out). Now play for me! I am going todance!

  (HELMER plays and NORA dances. RANK stands by the pianobehind HELMER, and looks on.)

  Helmer (as he plays). Slower, slower!

  Nora. I can't do it any other way.

  Helmer. Not so violently, Nora!

  Nora. This is the way.

  Helmer (stops playing). No, no—that is not a bit right.

  Nora (laughing and swinging the tambourine). Didn't I tellyou so?

  Rank. Let me play for her.

  Helmer (getting up). Yes, do. I can correct her better then.

  (RANK sits down at the piano and plays. Nora dances more and morewildly. HELMER has taken up a position beside the stove, andduring her dance gives her frequent instructions. She does not seem tohear him; her hair comes down and falls over her shoulders; she pays noattention to it, but goes on dancing. Enter MRS. LINDE.)

  Mrs. Linde (standing as if spell-bound in the doorway). Oh!—

  Nora (as she dances). Such fun, Christine!

  Helmer. My dear darling Nora, you are dancing as if your lifedepended on it.

  Nora. So it does.

  Helmer. Stop, Rank; this is sheer madness. Stop, I tell you.(RANK stops playing, and, NORA suddenly stands still.HELMER goes up to her.) I could never have believed it. You haveforgotten everything I taught you.

  Nora (throwing away the tambourine). There, you see.

  Helmer. You will want a lot of coaching.

  Nora. Yes, you see how much I need it. You must coach me up tothe last minute. Promise me that, Torvald!

  Helmer. You can depend on me.

  Nora. You must not think of anything but me, either to-day orto-morrow; you mustn't open a single letter—not even open theletter-box—

  Helmer. Ah, you are still afraid of that fellow——

  Nora. Yes, indeed I am.

  Helmer. Nora, I can tell from your looks that there is a letterfrom him lying there.

  Nora. I don't know; I think there is; but you must not readanything of that kind now. Nothing horrid must come between us till thisis all over.

  Rank (whispers to HELMER). You mustn't contradict her.

  Helmer (taking her in his arms). The child shall have herway. But to-morrow night, after you have danced—

  Nora. Then you will be free. (The MAID appears in thedoorway to the right.)

  Maid. Dinner is served, ma'am.

  Nora. We will have champagne, Helen.

  Maid. Very good, ma'am.

  Helmer. Hullo!—are we going to have a banquet? (Exit.)

  Nora. Yes, a champagne banquet till the small hours. (Callsout.) And a few macaroons, Helen—lots, just for once!

  Helmer. Come, come, don't be so wild and nervous. Be my ownlittle skylark, as you used.

  Nora. Yes, dear, I will. But go in now and you too, Doctor Rank.Christine, you must, help me to do up my hair.

  Rank (whispers to HELMER as they go out). I supposethere is nothing—she is not expecting anything?

  Helmer. Far from it, my dear fellow; it is simply nothing morethan this childish nervousness I was telling you of. (They go intothe right-hand room.)

  Nora. Well!

  Mrs. Linde. Gone out of town.

  Nora. I could tell from your face.

  Mrs. Linde. He is coming home tomorrow evening. I wrote a notefor him.

  Nora. You should have let it alone; you must prevent nothing.After all, it is splendid to be waiting for a wonderful thing to happen.

  Mrs. Linde. What is it that you are waiting for?

  Nora, Oh, you wouldn't understand. Go in to them. I will come ina moment. (MRS. LINDE goes into the dining-room. NORA standsstill for a little while, as if to compose herself. Then she looks ather watch.) Five o'clock. Seven hours till midnight; and thenfour-and-twenty hours till the next midnight. Then the Tarantella willbe over. Twenty-four and seven? Thirty-one hours to live.

  Helmer (from the doorway on the right). Where's my little skylark?

  Nora (going to him with her arms out-stretched). Here she is!

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