Down from the Mountain

by Li Bai


As down Mount Emerald at eve I came,

  The mountain moon went all the way with me.

  Backward I looked, to see the heights aflame

  With a pale light that glimmered eerily.

  A little lad undid the rustic latch

  As hand in hand your cottage we did gain,

  Where green limp tendrils at our cloaks did catch,

  And dim bamboos o'erhung a shadowy lane.

  Gaily I cried, "Here may we rest our fill!"

  Then choicest wines we quaffed; and cheerily

  "The Wind among the Pines" we sang, until

  A few faint stars hung in the Galaxy.

  Merry were you, my friend: and drunk was I,

  Blissfully letting all the world go by.

  Li Po

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