Chapter 24. Down the River

by Louisa May Alcott

  A fortnight later, the boys were picking apples one golden Octoberafternoon, and the girls were hurrying to finish their work, thatthey might go and help the harvesters. It was six weeks now Sincethe new school began, and they had learned to like it very much,though they found that it was not all play, by any means. Butlessons, exercise, and various sorts of housework made anagreeable change, and they felt that they were learning thingswhich would be useful to them all their lives. They had beenmaking underclothes for themselves, and each had several neatlyfinished garments cut, fitted, and sewed by herself, and trimmedwith the pretty tatting Jill made in such quantities while she lay onher sofa.Now they were completing new dressing sacks, and had enjoyedthis job very much, as each chose her own material, and suited herown taste in the making. Jill's was white, with tiny scarlet leavesall over it, trimmed with red braid and buttons so likecheckerberries she was tempted to eat them. Molly's was gay, withbouquets of every sort of flower, scalloped all round, and adornedwith six buttons, each of a different color, which she thought thelast touch of elegance. Merry's, though the simplest, was thedaintiest of the three, being pale blue, trimmed with delicateedging, and beautifully made.Mrs. Minot had been reading from Miss Strickland's "Queens ofEngland" while the girls worked, and an illustrated Sliakspeare layopen on the table, as well as several fine photographs of historicalplaces for them to look at as they went along. The hour was overnow, the teacher gone, and the pupils setting the last stitches asthey talked over the lesson, which had interested themexceedingly."I really believe I have got Henry's six wives into my head right atlast. Two Annes, three Katherines, and one Jane. Now I've seenwhere they lived and heard their stories, I quite feel as if I knewthem," said Merry, shaking the threads off her work before shefolded it up to carry home."King Henry the Eighth to six spouses was wedded,One died, one survived, two divorced, two beheaded,' was all I knew about them before. Poor things, what a bad timethey did have," added Jill, patting down the red braid, which wouldpucker a bit at the corners."Katherine Parr had the best of it, because she outlived the oldtyrant and so kept her head on," said Molly, winding the threadround her last button, as if bound to fasten it on so firmly thatnothing should decapitate that."I used to think I'd like to be a queen or a great lady, and wearvelvet and jewels, and live in a palace, but now I don't care muchfor that sort of splendor. I like to make things pretty at home, andknow that they all depend on me, and love me very much. Queensarc not happy, and I am," said Merry, pausing to look at AnneHathaway's cottage as she put up the picture, and to wonder if itwas very pleasant to have a famous man for one's husband."I guess your missionarying has done you good; mine has, and I'mgetting to have things my own way more and more every day. MissBat is so amiable, I hardly know her, and father tells her to askMiss Molly when she goes to him for orders. Isn't that fun?"laughed Molly, in high glee, at the agreeable change. "I like it everso much, but I don't want to stay so all my days. I mean to travel,and just as soon as I can I shall take Boo and go all round theworld, and see everything," she added, waving her gay sack, as if itwere the flag she was about to nail to the masthead of her ship."Well, I should like to be famous in some way, and have peopleadmire me very much. I'd like to act, or dance, or sing, or be what Iheard the ladies at Pebbly Beach call a 'queen of society.' But Idon't expect to be anything, and I'm not going to worry I shall notbe a Lucinda, so I ought to be contented and happy all my life,"said Jill, who was very ambitious in spite of the newly acquiredmeekness, which was all the more becoming because her naturalliveliness often broke out like sunshine through a veil of lightclouds.If the three girls could have looked forward ten years they wouldhave been surprised to see how different a fate was theirs from theone each had chosen, and how happy each was in the place shewas called to fill. Merry was not making the old farmhouse pretty,but living in Italy, with a young sculptor for her husband, andbeauty such as she never dreamed of all about her. Molly was nottravelling round the world, but contentedly keeping house for herfather and still watching over Boo, who was becoming her prideand joy as well as care. Neither was Jill a famous woman, but avery happy and useful one, with the two mothers leaning on her asthey grew old, the young men better for her influence over them,many friends to love and honor her, and a charming home, whereshe was queen by right of her cheery spirit, grateful heart, andunfailing devotion to those who had made her what she was.If any curious reader, not content with this peep into futurity, asks,"Did Molly and Jill ever marry?" we must reply, for the sake ofpeace--Molly remained a merry spinster all her days, one of theindependent, brave, and busy creatures of whom there is such needin the world to help take care of other peoples' wives and children,and do the many useful jobs that the married folk have no time for.Jill certainly did wear a white veil on the day she was twenty-fiveand called her husband Jack. Further than that we cannot go,except to say that this leap did not end in a catastrophe, like thefirst one they took together.That day, however, they never dreamed of what was in store forthem, but chattered away as they cleared up the room, and then ranoff ready for play, feeling that they had earned it by work welldone. They found the lads just finishing, with Boo to help bypicking up the windfalls for the cider-heap, after he had amusedhimself by putting about a bushel down the various holes old Bunhad left behind him. Jack was risking his neck climbing in themost dangerous places, while Frank, with a long-handledapple-picker, nipped off the finest fruit with care, both enjoyingthe pleasant task and feeling proud of the handsome red andyellow piles all about the little orchard. Merry and Molly caughtup baskets and fell to work with all their might, leaving Jill to situpon a stool and sort the early apples ready to use at once, lookingup now and then to nod and smile at her mother who watched herfrom the window, rejoicing to see her lass so well and happy.It was such a lovely day, they all felt its cheerful influence; for thesun shone bright and warm, the air was full of an invigoratingfreshness which soon made the girls' faces look like rosy apples,and their spirits as gay as if they had been stealing sips of newcider through a straw. Jack whistled like a blackbird as he swungand bumped about, Frank orated and joked, Merry and Molly ranraces to see who would fill and empty fastest, and Jill sung to Boo,who reposed in a barrel, exhausted with his labors."These are the last of the pleasant days, and we ought to make themost of them. Let's have one more picnic before the frost spoils theleaves," said Merry, resting a minute at the gate to look down thestreet, which was a glorified sort of avenue, with brilliant mapleslining the way and carpeting the ground with crimson and gold."Oh, yes! Go down the river once more and have supper on theIsland. I couldn't go to some of your picnics, and I do long for alast good time before winter shuts me up again," cried Jill, eager toharvest all the sunshine she could, for she was not yet quite her oldself again."I'm your man, if the other fellows agree. We can't barrel these upfor a while, so to-morrow will be a holiday for us. Better makesure of the day while you can, this weather can't last long"; andFrank shook his head like one on intimate terms with Old Prob."Don't worry about those high ones, Jack. Give a shake and comedown and plan about the party," called Molly, throwing up a bigBaldwin with what seemed a remarkably good aim, for a shower ofapples followed, and a boy came tumbling earthward to catch onthe lowest bough and swing down like a caterpillar, exclaiming, ashe landed,"I'm glad that job is done! I've rasped every knuckle I've got andworn out the knees of my pants. Nice little crop though, isn't it?""It will be nicer if this young man does not bite every apple hetouches. Hi there! Stop it, Boo," commanded Frank, as he caughthis young assistant putting his small teeth into the best ones, to seeif they were sweet or sour.Molly set the barrel up on end, and that took the boy out of thereach of mischief, so he retired from view and peeped through acrack as he ate his fifth pearmain, regardless of consequences."Gus will be at home to-morrow. He always comes up early onSaturday, you know. We can't get on without him," said Frank,who missed his mate very much, for Gus had entered college, andso far did not like it as much as he had expected."Or Ralph; he is very busy every spare minute on the little boy'sbust, which is getting on nicely, he says; but he will be able tocome home in time for supper, I think," added Merry,remembering the absent, as usual."I'll ask the girls on my way home, and all meet at two o'clock fora good row while it's warm. What shall I bring?" asked Molly,wondering if Miss Bat's amiability would extend to makinggoodies in the midst of her usual Saturday's baking."You bring coffee and the big pot and some buttered crackers. I'llsee to the pie and cake, and the other girls can have anything elsethey like," answered Merry, glad and proud that she could providethe party with her own inviting handiwork."I'll take my zither, so we can have music as we sail, and Grif willbring his violin, and Ralph can imitate a banjo so that you'd besure he had one. I do hope it will be fine, it is so splendid to goround like other folks and enjoy myself," cried Jill, with a littlebounce of satisfaction at the prospect of a row and ramble."Come along, then, and make sure of the girls," said Merry,catching up her roll of work, for the harvesting was done.Molly put her sack on as the easiest way of carrying it, and,extricating Boo, they went off, accompanied by the boys, "to makesure of the fellows" also, leaving Jill to sit among the apples,singing and sorting like a thrifty little housewife.Next day eleven young people met at the appointed place, basketin hand. Ralph could not come till later, for he was working nowas he never worked before. They were a merry flock, for themellow autumn day was even brighter and clearer than yesterday,and the river looked its loveliest, winding away under the sombrehemlocks, or through the fairyland the gay woods made on eitherside. Two large boats and two small ones held them all, and awaythey went, first up through the three bridges and round the bend,then, turning, they floated down to the green island, where a groveof oaks rustled their sere leaves and the squirrels were stillgathering acorns. Here they often met to keep their summer revels,and here they now spread their feast on the flat rock which neededno cloth beside its own gray lichens. The girls trimmed each dishwith bright leaves, and made the supper look like a banquet for theelves, while the boys built a fire in the nook where ashes andblackened stones told of many a rustic meal. The big tin coffee-potwas not so romantic, but more successful than a kettle slung onthree sticks, gypsy fashion; so they did not risk a downfall, but setthe water boiling, and soon filled the air with the agreeableperfume associated in their minds with picnics, as most of themnever tasted the fascinating stuff at any other time, being the worstchildren can drink.Frank was cook, Gus helped cut bread and cake, Jack and Grifbrought wood, while Bob Walker took Joe's place and madehimself generally useful, as the other gentleman never did, and sowas quite out of favor lately.All was ready at last, and they were just deciding to sit downwithout Ralph, when a shout told them he was coming, and downthe river skimmed a wherry at such a rate the boys wonderedwhom he had been racing with."Something has happened, and he is coming to tell us," said Jill,who sat where she could see his eager face."Nothing bad, or he wouldn't smile so. He is glad of a good rowand a little fun after working so hard all the week"; and Merryshook a red napkin as a welcoming signal.Something certainly had happened, and a very happy something itmust be, they all thought, as Ralph came on with flashing oars, andleaping out as the boat touched the shore, ran up the slope, wavinghis hat, and calling in a glad voice, sure of sympathy in his delight,"Good news! good news! Hurrah for Rome, next month!"The young folks forgot their supper for a moment, to congratulatehim on his happy prospect, and hear all about it, while the leavesrustled as if echoing the kind words, and the squirrels sat up aloft,wondering what all the pleasant clamor was about.Yes, I'm really going in November. German asked me to go withhim to-day, and if there is any little hitch in my getting off, he'lllend a hand, and I--I'll black his boots, wet his clay, and run hiserrands the rest of my life to pay for this!" cried Ralph, in a burstof gratitude; for, independent as he was, the kindness of thissuccessful friend to a deserving comrade touched and won hisheart."I call that a handsome thing to do!" said Frank, warmly, for nobleactions always pleased him. "I heard my mother say that makinggood or useful men was the best sort of sculpture, so I think DavidGerman may be proud of this piece of work, whether the big statuesucceeds or not.""I'm very glad, old fellow, When I run over for my trip four yearsfrom now, I'll look you up, and see how you are getting on," saidGus, with a hearty shake of the hand; and the younger lads grinnedcheerfully, even while they wondered where the fun was inshaping clay and chipping marble."Shall you stay four years?" asked Merry's soft voice, while awistful look came into her happy eyes."Ten, if I can," answered Ralph, decidedly, feeling as if a longlifetime would be all too short for the immortal work he meant todo. "I've got so much to learn, that I shall do whatever Davidthinks best for me at first, and when I can go alone, I shall just shutmyself up and forget that there is any world outside my den.""Do write and tell us how you get on now and then; I like to hearabout other people's good times while I'm waiting for my own,"said Molly, too much interested to observe that Grif was stickingburrs up and down her braids."Of course I shall write to some of you, but you mustn't expect anygreat things for years yet. People don't grow famous in a hurry, andit takes a deal of hard work even to earn your bread and butter, asyou'll find if you ever try it," answered Ralph, sobering down alittle as he remembered the long and steady effort it had taken toget even so far."Speaking of bread and butter reminds me that we'd better eat oursbefore the coffee gets quite cold," said Annette, for Merry seemedto have forgotten that she had been chosen to play matron, as shewas the oldest.The boys seconded the motion, and for a few minutes supper wasthe all-absorbing topic, as the cups went round and the goodiesvanished rapidly, accompanied by the usual mishaps which makepicnic meals such fun. Ralph's health was drunk with all sorts ofgood wishes; and such splendid prophecies were made, that hewould have far surpassed Michael Angelo, if they could have cometrue. Grif gave him an order on the spot for a full-length statue ofhimself, and stood up to show the imposing attitude in which hewished to be taken, but unfortunately slipped and fell forward withone hand in the custard pie, the other clutching wildly at thecoffee-pot, which inhospitably burnt his fingers."I think I grasp the idea, and will be sure to remember not to makeyour hair blow one way and the tails of your coat another, as acertain sculptor made those of a famous man," laughed Ralph, asthe fallen hero scrambled up, amidst general merriment."Will the little bust be done before you go?" asked Jill, anxiously,feeling a personal interest in the success of that order."Yes: I've been hard at it every spare minute I could get, and have afortnight more. It suits Mrs. Lennox, and she will pay well for it,so I shall have something to start with, though I haven't been ableto save much. I'm to thank you for that, and I shall send you thefirst pretty thing I get hold of," answered Ralph, looking gratefullyat the bright face, which grew still brighter as Jill exclaimed,"I do feel so proud to know a real artist, and have my bust done byhim. I only wish I could pay for it as Mrs. Lennox does; but Ihaven't any money, and you don't need the sort of things I canmake," she added, shaking her head, as she thought over knitslippers, wall-pockets, and crochet in all its forms, as offerings toher departing friend."You can write often, and tell me all about everybody, for I shallwant to know, and people will soon forget me when I'm gone,"said Ralph, lookir~g at Merry, who was making a garland ofyellow leaves for Juliet's black hair.Jill promised, and kept her word; but the longest letters went fromthe farm-house on the hill, though no one knew the fact till longafterward. Merry said nothing now, but she smiled, with a prettycolor in her cheeks, and was very much absorbed in her work,while the talk went on."I wish I was twenty, and going to seek my fortune, as you are,"said Jack; and the other boys agreed with him, for something inRalph's new plans and purposes roused the manly spirit in all ofthem, reminding them that playtime would soon be over, and thegreat world before them, where to choose."It is easy enough to say what you'd like; but the trouble is, youhave to take what you can get, and make the best of it," said Gus,whose own views were rather vague as yet."No you don't, always; you can make things go as you want them,if you only try hard enough, and walk right over whatever stands inthe way. I don't mean to give up my plans for any man; but, if Ilive, I'll carry them out--you see if I don't"; and Frank gave therock where he lay a blow with his fist, that sent the acorns flyingall about.One of them hit Jack, and he said, sorrowfully, as he held it in hishand so carefully it was evident he had some association with it,"Ed used to say that, and he had some splendid plans, but theydidn't come to anything.""Perhaps they did; who can tell? Do your best while you live, and Idon't believe anything good is lost, whether we have it a long or ashort time," said Ralph, who knew what a help and comfort highhopes were, and how they led to better things, if worthilycherished."A great many acorns are wasted, I suppose; but some of themsprout and grow, and make splendid trees," added Merry, feelingmore than she knew how to express, as she looked up at the oaksoverhead.Only seven of the party were sitting on the knoll now, for the resthad gone to wash the dishes and pack the baskets down by theboats. Jack and Jill, with the three elder boys, were in a littlegroup, and as Merry spoke, Gus said to Frank,"Did you plant yours?""Yes, on the lawn, and I mean it shall come up if I can make it,"answered Frank, gravely."I put mine where I can see it from the window, and not forget towater and take care of it," added Jack, still turning the prettybrown acorn to and fro as if he loved it."What do they mean?" whispered Merry to Jill, who was leaningagainst her knee Lo rest."The boys were walking in the Cemetery last Sunday, as they oftendo, and when they came to Ed's grave, the place was all coveredwith little acorns from the tree that grows on the bank. They eachtook up some as they stood talking, and Jack said he should planthis, for he loved Ed very much, you know. The others said theywould, too; and I hope the trees will grow, though we don't needanything to remember him by," answered Jill, in a low tone,thinking of the pressed flowers the girls kept for his sake.The boys heard her, but no one spoke for a moment as they satlooking across the river toward the hill where the pines whisperedtheir lullabies and pointed heavenward, steadfast and green, all theyear round. None of them could express the thought that was intheir minds as Jill told the little story; but the act and the feelingthat prompted it were perhaps as beautiful an assurance as couldhave been given that the dear dead boy's example had not beenwasted, for the planting of the acorns was a symbol of the desirebudding in those young hearts to be what he might have been, andto make their lives nobler for the knowledge and the love of him."It seems as if a great deal had happened this year," said Merry, ina pensive tone, for this quiet talk just suited her mood."So I say, for there's been a Declaration of Independence and aRevolution in our house, and I'm commander-in-chief now; anddon't I like it!" cried Molly, complacently surveying the neat newuniform she wore of her own choosing."I feel as if I never learned so much in my life as I have since lastDecember, and yet I never did so little," added Jill, wondering whythe months of weariness and pain did not seem more dreadful toher.'Well, pitching on my head seems to have given me a good shakingup, somehow, and I mean to do great things next year in betterways than breaking my bones coasting," said Jack, with a manlyair."I feel like a Siamese twin without his mate now you are gone, butI'm under orders for a while, and mean to do my best. Guess itwon't be lost time"; and Frank nodded at Gus, who nodded backwith the slightly superior expression all Freshmen wear."Hope you won't find it so. My work is all cut out for me, and Iintend to go in and win, though it is more of a grind than youfellows know.""I'm sure I have everything to be grateful for. It won't be plainsailing--I don't expect it; but, if I live, I'll do something to be proudof," said Ralph, squaring his shoulders as if to meet and conquerall obstacles as he looked into the glowing west, was not fairerthan his ambitious dreams.Here we will say good-by to these girls and boys of ours as they sittogether in the sunshine talking over a year that was to be for evermemorable to them, not because of any very remarkable events,but because they were just beginning to look about them as theystepped out of childhood into youth, and some of the experiencesof the past months had set them to thinking, taught them to see theuse and beauty of the small duties, joys, and sorrows which makeup our lives, and inspired them to resolve that the coming yearshould be braver and brighter than the last.There are many such boys and girls, full of high hopes, lovelypossibilities, and earnest plans, pausing a moment before theypush their little boats from the safe shore. Let those who launchthem see to it that they have good health to man the oars, goodeducation for ballast, and good principles as pilots to guide themas they voyage down an ever-widening river to the sea.

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