XI. Mrs. Vernon to Lady De Courcy

by Jane Austen

  ChurchhillI really grow quite uneasy, my dearest mother, about Reginald, fromwitnessing the very rapid increase of Lady Susan's influence. They are nowon terms of the most particular friendship, frequently engaged in longconversations together; and she has contrived by the most artful coquetryto subdue his judgment to her own purposes. It is impossible to see theintimacy between them so very soon established without some alarm, though Ican hardly suppose that Lady Susan's plans extend to marriage. I wish youcould get Reginald home again on any plausible pretence; he is not at alldisposed to leave us, and I have given him as many hints of my father'sprecarious state of health as common decency will allow me to do in my ownhouse. Her power over him must now be boundless, as she has entirelyeffaced all his former ill-opinion, and persuaded him not merely to forgetbut to justify her conduct. Mr. Smith's account of her proceedings atLangford, where he accused her of having made Mr. Mainwaring and a youngman engaged to Miss Mainwaring distractedly in love with her, whichReginald firmly believed when he came here, is now, he is persuaded, only ascandalous invention. He has told me so with a warmth of manner which spokehis regret at having believed the contrary himself. How sincerely do Igrieve that she ever entered this house! I always looked forward to hercoming with uneasiness; but very far was it from originating in anxiety forReginald. I expected a most disagreeable companion for myself, but couldnot imagine that my brother would be in the smallest danger of beingcaptivated by a woman with whose principles he was so well acquainted, andwhose character he so heartily despised. If you can get him away it will bea good thing.Yours, &c.,CATHERINE VERNON.

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