XII. Sir Reginald De Courcy to His Son

by Jane Austen

  Parklands.I know that young men in general do not admit of any enquiry even fromtheir nearest relations into affairs of the heart, but I hope, my dearReginald, that you will be superior to such as allow nothing for a father'sanxiety, and think themselves privileged to refuse him their confidence andslight his advice. You must be sensible that as an only son, and therepresentative of an ancient family, your conduct in life is mostinteresting to your connections; and in the very important concern ofmarriage especially, there is everything at stake--your own happiness, thatof your parents, and the credit of your name. I do not suppose that youwould deliberately form an absolute engagement of that nature withoutacquainting your mother and myself, or at least, without being convincedthat we should approve of your choice; but I cannot help fearing that youmay be drawn in, by the lady who has lately attached you, to a marriagewhich the whole of your family, far and near, must highly reprobate. LadySusan's age is itself a material objection, but her want of character isone so much more serious, that the difference of even twelve years becomesin comparison of small amount. Were you not blinded by a sort offascination, it would be ridiculous in me to repeat the instances of greatmisconduct on her side so very generally known.Her neglect of her husband, her encouragement of other men, herextravagance and dissipation, were so gross and notorious that no one couldbe ignorant of them at the time, nor can now have forgotten them. To ourfamily she has always been represented in softened colours by thebenevolence of Mr. Charles Vernon, and yet, in spite of his generousendeavours to excuse her, we know that she did, from the most selfishmotives, take all possible pains to prevent his marriage with Catherine.My years and increasing infirmities make me very desirous of seeing yousettled in the world. To the fortune of a wife, the goodness of my own willmake me indifferent, but her family and character must be equallyunexceptionable. When your choice is fixed so that no objection can bemade to it, then I can promise you a ready and cheerful consent; but it ismy duty to oppose a match which deep art only could render possible, andmust in the end make wretched. It is possible her behaviour may arise onlyfrom vanity, or the wish of gaining the admiration of a man whom she mustimagine to be particularly prejudiced against her; but it is more likelythat she should aim at something further. She is poor, and may naturallyseek an alliance which must be advantageous to herself; you know your ownrights, and that it is out of my power to prevent your inheriting thefamily estate. My ability of distressing you during my life would be aspecies of revenge to which I could hardly stoop under any circumstances.I honestly tell you my sentiments and intentions: I do not wish to workon your fears, but on your sense and affection. It would destroy everycomfort of my life to know that you were married to Lady Susan Vernon; itwould be the death of that honest pride with which I have hithertoconsidered my son; I should blush to see him, to hear of him, to think ofhim. I may perhaps do no good but that of relieving my own mind by thisletter, but I felt it my duty to tell you that your partiality for LadySusan is no secret to your friends, and to warn you against her. I shouldbe glad to hear your reasons for disbelieving Mr. Smith's intelligence; youhad no doubt of its authenticity a month ago. If you can give me yourassurance of having no design beyond enjoying the conversation of a cleverwoman for a short period, and of yielding admiration only to her beauty andabilities, without being blinded by them to her faults, you will restore meto happiness ;but, if you cannot do this, explain to me, at least, what hasoccasioned so great an alteration in your opinion of her.I am, &c., &c,REGINALD DE COURCY

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