XXIII. Mrs. Vernon to Lady De Courcy

by Jane Austen

  Churchhill.Let me congratulate you, my dearest Mother! The affair which has givenus so much anxiety is drawing to a happy conclusion. Our prospect is mostdelightful, and since matters have now taken so favourable a turn, I amquite sorry that I ever imparted my apprehensions to you; for the pleasureof learning that the danger is over is perhaps dearly purchased by all thatyou have previously suffered. I am so much agitated by delight that I canscarcely hold a pen; but am determined to send you a few short lines byJames, that you may have some explanation of what must so greatly astonishyou, as that Reginald should be returning to Parklands. I was sitting abouthalf an hour ago with Sir James in the breakfast parlour, when my brothercalled me out of the room. I instantly saw that something was the matter;his complexion was raised, and he spoke with great emotion; you know hiseager manner, my dear mother, when his mind is interested. "Catherine,"said he, "I am going home to-day; I am sorry to leave you, but I must go:it is a great while since I have seen my father and mother. I am going tosend James forward with my hunters immediately; if you have any letter,therefore, he can take it. I shall not be at home myself till Wednesday orThursday, as I shall go through London, where I have business; but before Ileave you," he continued, speaking in a lower tone, and with still greaterenergy, "I must warn you of one thing--do not let Frederica Vernon be madeunhappy by that Martin. He wants to marry her; her mother promotes thematch, but she cannot endure the idea of it. Be assured that I speak fromthe fullest conviction of the truth of what I say; I Know that Frederica ismade wretched by Sir James's continuing here. She is a sweet girl, anddeserves a better fate. Send him away immediately; he is only a fool: butwhat her mother can mean, Heaven only knows! Good bye," he added, shakingmy hand with earnestness; "I do not know when you will see me again; butremember what I tell you of Frederica; you must make it your business tosee justice done her. She is an amiable girl, and has a very superior mindto what we have given her credit for." He then left me, and ran upstairs. Iwould not try to stop him, for I know what his feelings must be. The natureof mine, as I listened to him, I need not attempt to describe; for a minuteor two I remained in the same spot, overpowered by wonder of a mostagreeable sort indeed; yet it required some consideration to be tranquillyhappy. In about ten minutes after my return to the parlour Lady Susanentered the room. I concluded, of course, that she and Reginald had beenquarrelling; and looked with anxious curiosity for a confirmation of mybelief in her face. Mistress of deceit, however, she appeared perfectlyunconcerned, and after chatting on indifferent subjects for a short time,said to me, "I find from Wilson that we are going to lose Mr. De Courcy--isit true that he leaves Churchhill this morning?" I replied that it was. "Hetold us nothing of all this last night," said she, laughing, "or even thismorning at breakfast; but perhaps he did not know it himself. Young men areoften hasty in their resolutions, and not more sudden in forming thanunsteady in keeping them. I should not be surprised if he were to changehis mind at last, and not go." She soon afterwards left the room. I trust,however, my dear mother, that we have no reason to fear an alteration ofhis present plan; things have gone too far. They must have quarrelled, andabout Frederica, too. Her calmness astonishes me. What delight will beyours in seeing him again; in seeing him still worthy your esteem, stillcapable of forming your happiness! When I next write I shall be able totell you that Sir James is gone, Lady Susan vanquished, and Frederica atpeace. We have much to do, but it shall be done. I am all impatience tohear how this astonishing change was effected. I finish as I began, withthe warmest congratulations.Yours ever, &c.,CATH. VERNON.

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