Miss Mary Mack

by Anonymous


Miss Mary Mack is one of the most popular English-language clapping games for children. Parents, it's time to remember, and share it with your children! A great way to combine learning-to-read and kinesthetic activity, including jump-roping and clapping the lyrics.


Miss Mary MackPlaying Miss Mary Mack

  Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack All dressed in black, black, black With silver buttons, buttons, buttons [butt'ns] All down her back, back, back. (She could not read, read, read She could not write, write, write, But she could smoke, smoke, smoke Her father's, pipe, pipe, pipe) She asked her mother, mother, mother for fifty cents, cents, cents To see the elephants, elephants, elephants (or hippos) Jump the fence, fence, fence. They jumped so high, high, high they reached the sky, sky, sky And didn't come back, back, back Till the 4th of July, 'ly, 'ly! July can't walk, walk, walk July can't talk, talk, talk July can't eat, eat, eat With a knife and fork, fork, fork). She asked her mother, mother, mother For 5 cents more, more, more To see the elephants, elephants, elephants Jump over the door, door, door. They jumped so low, low, low They stubbed their toe, toe, toe And that was the end, end, end, Of the elephant show, show, show!

If your children enjoyed this song, they may also like the counting song, Five Little Speckled Frogs. Enjoy more learn-to-read favorites at Pre-K Wordplay!

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