'My heart beats smoothly, steadily,'

by Anna Akhmatova


My heart beats smoothly, steadily,

  What are long years to me?

  Under the Galernaya arch,

  Our shadows, for eternity.

  Through half-closed eyelids,

  I see, I see that you're with me,

  And forever held in your hand

  Is my unopened fan.

  Because we stood together,

  In that blessed miraculous moment,

  The instant of the rose-red moon

  Lifting over the Summer Garden –

  I've no need to wait

  At some hateful window,

  Or grow weary with meeting –

  My thirsty love is quenched.

  You are free, and so am I,

  Tomorrow will be better than yesterday –

  Above the Neva's dark waters,

  Below the Emperor Peter's

  Cold smile.

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