Chapter 33

by Jane Austen

  After some opposition, Marianne yielded to hersister's entreaties, and consented to go out with herand Mrs. Jennings one morning for half an hour. Sheexpressly conditioned, however, for paying no visits,and would do no more than accompany them to Gray's inSackville Street, where Elinor was carrying on a negotiationfor the exchange of a few old-fashioned jewels of her mother.When they stopped at the door, Mrs. Jennings recollectedthat there was a lady at the other end of the streeton whom she ought to call; and as she had no businessat Gray's, it was resolved, that while her young friendstransacted their's, she should pay her visit andreturn for them.On ascending the stairs, the Miss Dashwoods foundso many people before them in the room, that there wasnot a person at liberty to tend to their orders; and theywere obliged to wait. All that could be done was, to sitdown at that end of the counter which seemed to promise thequickest succession; one gentleman only was standing there,and it is probable that Elinor was not without hopeof exciting his politeness to a quicker despatch.But the correctness of his eye, and the delicacyof his taste, proved to be beyond his politeness.He was giving orders for a toothpick-case for himself,and till its size, shape, and ornaments were determined,all of which, after examining and debating for a quarterof an hour over every toothpick-case in the shop,were finally arranged by his own inventive fancy, he hadno leisure to bestow any other attention on the two ladies,than what was comprised in three or four very broad stares;a kind of notice which served to imprint on Elinorthe remembrance of a person and face, of strong,natural, sterling insignificance, though adorned inthe first style of fashion.Marianne was spared from the troublesome feelingsof contempt and resentment, on this impertinent examinationof their features, and on the puppyism of his mannerin deciding on all the different horrors of the differenttoothpick-cases presented to his inspection, by remainingunconscious of it all; for she was as well able to collecther thoughts within herself, and be as ignorant of what waspassing around her, in Mr. Gray's shop, as in her own bedroom.At last the affair was decided. The ivory,the gold, and the pearls, all received their appointment,and the gentleman having named the last day on which hisexistence could be continued without the possession of thetoothpick-case, drew on his gloves with leisurely care,and bestowing another glance on the Miss Dashwoods, but sucha one as seemed rather to demand than express admiration,walked off with a happy air of real conceit and affectedindifference.Elinor lost no time in bringing her business forward,was on the point of concluding it, when another gentlemanpresented himself at her side. She turned her eyes towardshis face, and found him with some surprise to be her brother.Their affection and pleasure in meeting was just enoughto make a very creditable appearance in Mr. Gray's shop.John Dashwood was really far from being sorry to seehis sisters again; it rather gave them satisfaction;and his inquiries after their mother were respectfuland attentive.Elinor found that he and Fanny had been in towntwo days."I wished very much to call upon you yesterday,"said he, "but it was impossible, for we were obligedto take Harry to see the wild beasts at Exeter Exchange;and we spent the rest of the day with Mrs. Ferrars.Harry was vastly pleased. This morning I had fully intendedto call on you, if I could possibly find a spare half hour,but one has always so much to do on first coming to town.I am come here to bespeak Fanny a seal. But tomorrow Ithink I shall certainly be able to call in Berkeley Street,and be introduced to your friend Mrs. Jennings.I understand she is a woman of very good fortune.And the Middletons too, you must introduce me to them.As my mother-in-law's relations, I shall be happy to showthem every respect. They are excellent neighbours to you inthe country, I understand.""Excellent indeed. Their attention to our comfort,their friendliness in every particular, is more than Ican express.""I am extremely glad to hear it, upon my word;extremely glad indeed. But so it ought to be; they arepeople of large fortune, they are related to you, andevery civility and accommodation that can serve to makeyour situation pleasant might be reasonably expected.And so you are most comfortably settled in your little cottageand want for nothing! Edward brought us a most charmingaccount of the place: the most complete thing of its kind,he said, that ever was, and you all seemed to enjoy it beyondany thing. It was a great satisfaction to us to hear it,I assure you."Elinor did feel a little ashamed of her brother;and was not sorry to be spared the necessity of answering him,by the arrival of Mrs. Jennings's servant, who came to tellher that his mistress waited for them at the door.Mr. Dashwood attended them down stairs, was introducedto Mrs. Jennings at the door of her carriage, and repeatinghis hope of being able to call on them the next day,took leave.His visit was duly paid. He came with a pretence atan apology from their sister-in-law, for not coming too;"but she was so much engaged with her mother, that reallyshe had no leisure for going any where." Mrs. Jennings,however, assured him directly, that she should not standupon ceremony, for they were all cousins, or somethinglike it, and she should certainly wait on Mrs. JohnDashwood very soon, and bring her sisters to see her.His manners to them, though calm, were perfectly kind;to Mrs. Jennings, most attentively civil; and on ColonelBrandon's coming in soon after himself, he eyed him with acuriosity which seemed to say, that he only wanted to knowhim to be rich, to be equally civil to him.After staying with them half an hour, he askedElinor to walk with him to Conduit Street, and introducehim to Sir John and Lady Middleton. The weather wasremarkably fine, and she readily consented. As soonas they were out of the house, his enquiries began."Who is Colonel Brandon? Is he a man of fortune?""Yes; he has very good property in Dorsetshire.""I am glad of it. He seems a most gentlemanlike man;and I think, Elinor, I may congratulate you on the prospectof a very respectable establishment in life.""Me, brother! what do you mean?""He likes you. I observed him narrowly, and amconvinced of it. What is the amount of his fortune?""I believe about two thousand a year.""Two thousand a-year;" and then working himselfup to a pitch of enthusiastic generosity, he added,"Elinor, I wish with all my heart it were twice as much,for your sake.""Indeed I believe you," replied Elinor; "but I amvery sure that Colonel Brandon has not the smallest wishof marrying me.""You are mistaken, Elinor; you are very much mistaken.A very little trouble on your side secures him.Perhaps just at present he may be undecided; the smallnessof your fortune may make him hang back; his friendsmay all advise him against it. But some of those littleattentions and encouragements which ladies can so easilygive will fix him, in spite of himself. And there can beno reason why you should not try for him. It is not to besupposed that any prior attachment on your side--in short,you know as to an attachment of that kind, it is quiteout of the question, the objections are insurmountable--you have too much sense not to see all that. Colonel Brandonmust be the man; and no civility shall be wanting onmy part to make him pleased with you and your family.It is a match that must give universal satisfaction.In short, it is a kind of thing that"--lowering his voiceto an important whisper--"will be exceedingly welcometo all parties." Recollecting himself, however, he added,"That is, I mean to say--your friends are all trulyanxious to see you well settled; Fanny particularly,for she has your interest very much at heart, I assure you.And her mother too, Mrs. Ferrars, a very good-natured woman,I am sure it would give her great pleasure; she said as muchthe other day."Elinor would not vouchsafe any answer."It would be something remarkable, now," he continued,"something droll, if Fanny should have a brother and Ia sister settling at the same time. And yet it is notvery unlikely.""Is Mr. Edward Ferrars," said Elinor, with resolution,"going to be married?""It is not actually settled, but there is sucha thing in agitation. He has a most excellent mother.Mrs. Ferrars, with the utmost liberality, will come forward,and settle on him a thousand a year, if the matchtakes place. The lady is the Hon. Miss Morton, only daughterof the late Lord Morton, with thirty thousand pounds.A very desirable connection on both sides, and I have nota doubt of its taking place in time. A thousand a-yearis a great deal for a mother to give away, to make overfor ever; but Mrs. Ferrars has a noble spirit. To giveyou another instance of her liberality:--The other day,as soon as we came to town, aware that money couldnot be very plenty with us just now, she put bank-notesinto Fanny's hands to the amount of two hundred pounds.And extremely acceptable it is, for we must live at a greatexpense while we are here."He paused for her assent and compassion; and sheforced herself to say,"Your expenses both in town and country must certainlybe considerable; but your income is a large one.""Not so large, I dare say, as many people suppose.I do not mean to complain, however; it is undoubtedlya comfortable one, and I hope will in time be better.The enclosure of Norland Common, now carrying on,is a most serious drain. And then I have made a littlepurchase within this half year; East Kingham Farm,you must remember the place, where old Gibson used to live.The land was so very desirable for me in every respect,so immediately adjoining my own property, that I felt itmy duty to buy it. I could not have answered it to myconscience to let it fall into any other hands. A man mustpay for his convenience; and it has cost me a vast dealof money.""More than you think it really and intrinsically worth.""Why, I hope not that. I might have sold it again,the next day, for more than I gave: but, with regard to thepurchase-money, I might have been very unfortunate indeed;for the stocks were at that time so low, that if I had nothappened to have the necessary sum in my banker's hands,I must have sold out to very great loss."Elinor could only smile."Other great and inevitable expenses too we havehad on first coming to Norland. Our respected father,as you well know, bequeathed all the Stanhill effectsthat remained at Norland (and very valuable they were)to your mother. Far be it from me to repine at hisdoing so; he had an undoubted right to dispose of hisown property as he chose, but, in consequence of it,we have been obliged to make large purchases of linen,china, &c. to supply the place of what was taken away.You may guess, after all these expenses, how very far wemust be from being rich, and how acceptable Mrs. Ferrars'skindness is.""Certainly," said Elinor; "and assisted by her liberality,I hope you may yet live to be in easy circumstances.""Another year or two may do much towards it,"he gravely replied; "but however there is still a greatdeal to be done. There is not a stone laid of Fanny'sgreen-house, and nothing but the plan of the flower-gardenmarked out.""Where is the green-house to be?""Upon the knoll behind the house. The oldwalnut trees are all come down to make room for it.It will be a very fine object from many parts of the park,and the flower-garden will slope down just before it,and be exceedingly pretty. We have cleared away all the oldthorns that grew in patches over the brow."Elinor kept her concern and her censure to herself;and was very thankful that Marianne was not present,to share the provocation.Having now said enough to make his poverty clear,and to do away the necessity of buying a pair of ear-ringsfor each of his sisters, in his next visit at Gray'shis thoughts took a cheerfuller turn, and he began tocongratulate Elinor on having such a friend as Mrs. Jennings."She seems a most valuable woman indeed--Her house,her style of living, all bespeak an exceeding good income;and it is an acquaintance that has not only beenof great use to you hitherto, but in the end may provematerially advantageous.--Her inviting you to town iscertainly a vast thing in your favour; and indeed, itspeaks altogether so great a regard for you, that in allprobability when she dies you will not be forgotten.--She must have a great deal to leave.""Nothing at all, I should rather suppose; for she hasonly her jointure, which will descend to her children.""But it is not to be imagined that she lives up toher income. Few people of common prudence will do that;and whatever she saves, she will be able to dispose of.""And do you not think it more likely that sheshould leave it to her daughters, than to us?""Her daughters are both exceedingly well married,and therefore I cannot perceive the necessity of herremembering them farther. Whereas, in my opinion, by hertaking so much notice of you, and treating you in thiskind of way, she has given you a sort of claim on herfuture consideration, which a conscientious woman wouldnot disregard. Nothing can be kinder than her behaviour;and she can hardly do all this, without being awareof the expectation it raises.""But she raises none in those most concerned.Indeed, brother, your anxiety for our welfare and prosperitycarries you too far.""Why, to be sure," said he, seeming to recollect himself,"people have little, have very little in their power.But, my dear Elinor, what is the matter with Marianne?--she looks very unwell, has lost her colour, and is grownquite thin. Is she ill?""She is not well, she has had a nervous complainton her for several weeks.""I am sorry for that. At her time of life,any thing of an illness destroys the bloom for ever!Her's has been a very short one! She was as handsome a girllast September, as I ever saw; and as likely to attractthe man. There was something in her style of beauty,to please them particularly. I remember Fanny used to saythat she would marry sooner and better than you did;not but what she is exceedingly fond of you, but so ithappened to strike her. She will be mistaken, however.I question whether Marianne now, will marry a man worthmore than five or six hundred a-year, at the utmost,and I am very much deceived if you do not do better.Dorsetshire! I know very little of Dorsetshire; but, my dearElinor, I shall be exceedingly glad to know more of it;and I think I can answer for your having Fanny and myselfamong the earliest and best pleased of your visitors."Elinor tried very seriously to convince him thatthere was no likelihood of her marrying Colonel Brandon;but it was an expectation of too much pleasure to himselfto be relinquished, and he was really resolved on seekingan intimacy with that gentleman, and promoting the marriageby every possible attention. He had just compunctionenough for having done nothing for his sisters himself,to be exceedingly anxious that everybody else shoulddo a great deal; and an offer from Colonel Brandon,or a legacy from Mrs. Jennings, was the easiest meansof atoning for his own neglect.They were lucky enough to find Lady Middletonat home, and Sir John came in before their visit ended.Abundance of civilities passed on all sides. Sir Johnwas ready to like anybody, and though Mr. Dashwood didnot seem to know much about horses, he soon set himdown as a very good-natured fellow: while Lady Middletonsaw enough of fashion in his appearance to think hisacquaintance worth having; and Mr. Dashwood went awaydelighted with both."I shall have a charming account to carryto Fanny," said he, as he walked back with his sister."Lady Middleton is really a most elegant woman! Sucha woman as I am sure Fanny will be glad to know.And Mrs. Jennings too, an exceedingly well-behaved woman,though not so elegant as her daughter. Your sister neednot have any scruple even of visiting her, which, to saythe truth, has been a little the case, and very naturally;for we only knew that Mrs. Jennings was the widow of a manwho had got all his money in a low way; and Fanny andMrs. Ferrars were both strongly prepossessed, that neithershe nor her daughters were such kind of women as Fannywould like to associate with. But now I can carry hera most satisfactory account of both."

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