AN HOUR IN ELFLAND--A CLAMOUR HALF HEARDAt last the curtain was ready to go up. All the details of themake-up had been completed, and the company settled down as theleader of the small, hired orchestra tapped significantly uponhis music rack with his baton and began the soft curtain-raisingstrain. Hurstwood ceased talking, and went with Drouet and hisfriend Sagar Morrison around to the box."Now, we'll see how the little girl does," he said to Drouet, ina tone which no one else could hear.On the stage, six of the characters had already appeared in theopening parlour scene. Drouet and Hurstwood saw at a glance thatCarrie was not among them, and went on talking in a whisper.Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Hoagland, and the actor who had takenBamberger's part were representing the principal roles in thisscene. The professional, whose name was Patton, had little torecommend him outside of his assurance, but this at the presentmoment was most palpably needed. Mrs. Morgan, as Pearl, wasstiff with fright. Mrs. Hoagland was husky in the throat. Thewhole company was so weak-kneed that the lines were merelyspoken, and nothing more. It took all the hope and uncriticalgood-nature of the audience to keep from manifesting pity by thatunrest which is the agony of failure.Hurstwood was perfectly indifferent. He took it for granted thatit would be worthless. All he cared for was to have it endurableenough to allow for pretension and congratulation afterward.After the first rush of fright, however, the players got over thedanger of collapse. They rambled weakly forward, losing nearlyall the expression which was intended, and making the thing dullin the extreme, when Carrie came in.One glance at her, and both Hurstwood and Drouet saw plainly thatshe also was weak-kneed. She came faintly across the stage,saying:"And you, sir; we have been looking for you since eight o'clock,"but with so little colour and in such a feeble voice that it waspositively painful."She's frightened," whispered Drouet to Hurstwood.The manager made no answer.She had a line presently which was supposed to be funny."Well, that's as much as to say that I'm a sort of life pill."It came out so flat, however, that it was a deathly thing.Drouet fidgeted. Hurstwood moved his toe the least bit.There was another place in which Laura was to rise and, with asense of impending disaster, say, sadly:"I wish you hadn't said that, Pearl. You know the old proverb,'Call a maid by a married name.'"The lack of feeling in the thing was ridiculous. Carrie did notget it at all. She seemed to be talking in her sleep. It lookedas if she were certain to be a wretched failure. She was morehopeless than Mrs. Morgan, who had recovered somewhat, and wasnow saying her lines clearly at least. Drouet looked away fromthe stage at the audience. The latter held out silently, hopingfor a general change, of course. Hurstwood fixed his eye onCarrie, as if to hypnotise her into doing better. He was pouringdetermination of his own in her direction. He felt sorry forher.In a few more minutes it fell to her to read the letter sent inby the strange villain. The audience had been slightly divertedby a conversation between the professional actor and a charactercalled Snorky, impersonated by a short little American, whoreally developed some humour as a half-crazed, one-armed soldier,turned messenger for a living. He bawled his lines out with suchdefiance that, while they really did not partake of the humourintended, they were funny. Now he was off, however, and it wasback to pathos, with Carrie as the chief figure. She did notrecover. She wandered through the whole scene between herselfand the intruding villain, straining the patience of theaudience, and finally exiting, much to their relief."She's too nervous," said Drouet, feeling in the mildness of theremark that he was lying for once."Better go back and say a word to her."Drouet was glad to do anything for relief. He fairly hustledaround to the side entrance, and was let in by the friendly door-keeper. Carrie was standing in the wings, weakly waiting hernext cue, all the snap and nerve gone out of her."Say, Cad," he said, looking at her, "you mustn't be nervous.Wake up. Those guys out there don't amount to anything. Whatare you afraid of?""I don't know," said Carrie. "I just don't seem to be able to doit."She was grateful for the drummer's presence, though. She hadfound the company so nervous that her own strength had gone."Come on," said Drouet. "Brace up. What are you afraid of? Goon out there now, and do the trick. What do you care?"Carrie revived a little under the drummer's electrical, nervouscondition."Did I do so very bad?""Not a bit. All you need is a little more ginger. Do it as youshowed me. Get that toss of your head you had the other night."Carrie remembered her triumph in the room. She tried to thinkshe could to it.'What's next?" he said, looking at her part, which she had beenstudying."Why, the scene between Ray and me when I refuse him.""Well, now you do that lively," said the drummer. "Put in snap,that's the thing. Act as if you didn't care.""Your turn next, Miss Madenda," said the prompter."Oh, dear," said Carrie."Well, you're a chump for being afraid," said Drouet. "Come onnow, brace up. I'll watch you from right here.""Will you?" said Carrie."Yes, now go on. Don't be afraid."The prompter signalled her.She started out, weak as ever, but suddenly her nerve partiallyreturned. She thought of Drouet looking."Ray," she said, gently, using a tone of voice much more calmthan when she had last appeared. It was the scene which hadpleased the director at the rehearsal."She's easier," thought Hurstwood to himself.She did not do the part as she had at rehearsal, but she wasbetter. The audience was at least not irritated. Theimprovement of the work of the entire company took away directobservation from her. They were making very fair progress, andnow it looked as if the play would be passable, in the lesstrying parts at least.Carrie came off warm and nervous."Well," she said, looking at him, "was it any better?""Well, I should say so. That's the way. Put life into it. Youdid that about a thousand per cent. better than you did theother scene. Now go on and fire up. You can do it. Knock 'em.""Was it really better?""Better, I should say so. What comes next?""That ballroom scene.""Well, you can do that all right," he said."I don't know," answered Carrie."Why, woman," he exclaimed, "you did it for me! Now you go outthere and do it. It'll be fun for you. Just do as you did inthe room. If you'll reel it off that way, I'll bet you make ahit. Now, what'll you bet? You do it."The drummer usually allowed his ardent good-nature to get thebetter of his speech. He really did think that Carrie had actedthis particular scene very well, and he wanted her to repeat itin public. His enthusiasm was due to the mere spirit of theoccasion.When the time came, he buoyed Carrie up most effectually. Hebegan to make her feel as if she had done very well. The oldmelancholy of desire began to come back as he talked at her, andby the time the situation rolled around she was running high infeeling."I think I can do this.""Sure you can. Now you go ahead and see."On the stage, Mrs. Van Dam was making her cruel insinuationagainst Laura.Carrie listened, and caught the infection of something--she didnot know what. Her nostrils sniffed thinly."It means," the professional actor began, speaking as Ray, "thatsociety is a terrible avenger of insult. Have you ever heard ofthe Siberian wolves? When one of the pack falls through weakness,the others devour him. It is not an elegant comparison, butthere is something wolfish in society. Laura has mocked it witha pretence, and society, which is made up of pretence, willbitterly resent the mockery."At the sound of her stage name Carrie started. She began to feelthe bitterness of the situation. The feelings of the outcastdescended upon her. She hung at the wing's edge, wrapt in herown mounting thoughts. She hardly heard anything more, save herown rumbling blood."Come, girls," said Mrs. Van Dam, solemnly, "let us look afterour things. They are no longer safe when such an accomplishedthief enters.""Cue," said the prompter, close to her side, but she did nothear. Already she was moving forward with a steady grace, bornof inspiration. She dawned upon the audience, handsome andproud, shifting, with the necessity of the situation, to a cold,white, helpless object, as the social pack moved away from herscornfully.Hurstwood blinked his eyes and caught the infection. Theradiating waves of feeling and sincerity were already breakingagainst the farthest walls of the chamber. The magic of passion,which will yet dissolve the world, was here at work.There was a drawing, too, of attention, a riveting of feeling,heretofore wandering."Ray! Ray! Why do you not come back to her?" was the cry ofPearl.Every eye was fixed on Carrie, still proud and scornful. Theymoved as she moved. Their eyes were with her eyes.Mrs. Morgan, as Pearl, approached her."Let us go home," she said."No," answered Carrie, her voice assuming for the first time apenetrating quality which it had never known. "Stay with him!"She pointed an almost accusing hand toward her lover. Then, witha pathos which struck home because of its utter simplicity, "Heshall not suffer long."Hurstwood realised that he was seeing something extraordinarilygood. It was heightened for him by the applause of the audienceas the curtain descended and the fact that it was Carrie. Hethought now that she was beautiful. She had done something whichwas above his sphere. He felt a keen delight in realising thatshe was his."Fine," he said, and then, seized by a sudden impulse, arose andwent about to the stage door.When he came in upon Carrie she was still with Drouet. Hisfeelings for her were most exuberant. He was almost swept awayby the strength and feeling she exhibited. His desire was topour forth his praise with the unbounded feelings of a lover, buthere was Drouet, whose affection was also rapidly reviving. Thelatter was more fascinated, if anything, than Hurstwood. Atleast, in the nature of things, it took a more ruddy form."Well, well," said Drouet, "you did out of sight. That wassimply great. I knew you could do it. Oh, but you're a littledaisy!"Carrie's eyes flamed with the light of achievement."Did I do all right?""Did you? Well, I guess. Didn't you hear the applause?"There was some faint sound of clapping yet."I thought I got it something like--I felt it."Just then Hurstwood came in. Instinctively he felt the change inDrouet. He saw that the drummer was near to Carrie, and jealousyleaped alight in his bosom. In a flash of thought, he reproachedhimself for having sent him back. Also, he hated him as anintruder. He could scarcely pull himself down to the level wherehe would have to congratulate Carrie as a friend. Nevertheless,the man mastered himself, and it was a triumph. He almost jerkedthe old subtle light to his eyes."I thought," he said, looking at Carrie, "I would come around andtell you how well you did, Mrs. Drouet. It was delightful."Carrie took the cue, and replied:"Oh, thank you.""I was just telling her," put in Drouet, now delighted with hispossession, "that I thought she did fine.""Indeed you did," said Hurstwood, turning upon Carrie eyes inwhich she read more than the words.Carrie laughed luxuriantly."If you do as well in the rest of the play, you will make us allthink you are a born actress."Carrie smiled again. She felt the acuteness of Hurstwood'sposition, and wished deeply that she could be alone with him, butshe did not understand the change in Drouet. Hurstwood foundthat he could not talk, repressed as he was, and grudging Drouetevery moment of his presence, he bowed himself out with theelegance of a Faust. Outside he set his teeth with envy."Damn it!" he said, "is he always going to be in the way?" He wasmoody when he got back to the box, and could not talk forthinking of his wretched situation.As the curtain for the next act arose, Drouet came back. He wasvery much enlivened in temper and inclined to whisper, butHurstwood pretended interest. He fixed his eyes on the stage,although Carrie was not there, a short bit of melodramatic comedypreceding her entrance. He did not see what was going on,however. He was thinking his own thoughts, and they werewretched.The progress of the play did not improve matters for him.Carrie, from now on, was easily the centre of interest. Theaudience, which had been inclined to feel that nothing could begood after the first gloomy impression, now went to the otherextreme and saw power where it was not. The general feelingreacted on Carrie. She presented her part with some felicity,though nothing like the intensity which had aroused the feelingat the end of the long first act.Both Hurstwood and Drouet viewed her pretty figure with risingfeelings. The fact that such ability should reveal itself inher, that they should see it set forth under such effectivecircumstances, framed almost in massy gold and shone upon by theappropriate lights of sentiment and personality, heightened hercharm for them. She was more than the old Carrie to Drouet. Helonged to be at home with her until he could tell her. Heawaited impatiently the end, when they should go home alone.Hurstwood, on the contrary, saw in the strength of her newattractiveness his miserable predicament. He could have cursedthe man beside him. By the Lord, he could not even applaudfeelingly as he would. For once he must simulate when it left ataste in his mouth.It was in the last act that Carrie's fascination for her loversassumed its most effective character.Hurstwood listened to its progress, wondering when Carrie wouldcome on. He had not long to wait. The author had used theartifice of sending all the merry company for a drive, and nowCarrie came in alone. It was the first time that Hurstwood hadhad a chance to see her facing the audience quite alone, fornowhere else had she been without a foil of some sort. Hesuddenly felt, as she entered, that her old strength--the powerthat had grasped him at the end of the first act--had come back.She seemed to be gaining feeling, now that the play was drawingto a close and the opportunity for great action was passing."Poor Pearl," she said, speaking with natural pathos. "It is asad thing to want for happiness, but it is a terrible thing tosee another groping about blindly for it, when it is almostwithin the grasp."She was gazing now sadly out upon the open sea, her arm restinglistlessly upon the polished door-post.Hurstwood began to feel a deep sympathy for her and for himself.He could almost feel that she was talking to him. He was, by acombination of feelings and entanglements, almost deluded by thatquality of voice and manner which, like a pathetic strain ofmusic, seems ever a personal and intimate thing. Pathos has thisquality, that it seems ever addressed to one alone."And yet, she can be very happy with him," went on the littleactress. "Her sunny temper, her joyous face will brighten anyhome."She turned slowly toward the audience without seeing. There wasso much simplicity in her movements that she seemed wholly alone.Then she found a seat by a table, and turned over some books,devoting a thought to them."With no longings for what I may not have," she breathed inconclusion--and it was almost a sigh--"my existence hidden fromall save two in the wide world, and making my joy out of the joyof that innocent girl who will soon be his wife."Hurstwood was sorry when a character, known as Peach Blossom,interrupted her. He stirred irritably, for he wished her to goon. He was charmed by the pale face, the lissome figure, drapedin pearl grey, with a coiled string of pearls at the throat.Carrie had the air of one who was weary and in need ofprotection, and, under the fascinating make-believe of themoment, he rose in feeling until he was ready in spirit to go toher and ease her out of her misery by adding to his own delight.In a moment Carrie was alone again, and was saying, withanimation:"I must return to the city, no matter what dangers may lurk here.I must go, secretly if I can; openly, if I must."There was a sound of horses' hoofs outside, and then Ray's voicesaying:"No, I shall not ride again. Put him up."He entered, and then began a scene which had as much to do withthe creation of the tragedy of affection in Hurstwood as anythingin his peculiar and involved career. For Carrie had resolved tomake something of this scene, and, now that the cue had come, itbegan to take a feeling hold upon her. Both Hurstwood and Drouetnoted the rising sentiment as she proceeded."I thought you had gone with Pearl," she said to her lover."I did go part of the way, but I left the Party a mile down theroad.""You and Pearl had no disagreement?""No--yes; that is, we always have. Our social barometers alwaysstand at 'cloudy' and 'overcast.'""And whose fault is that?" she said, easily."Not mine," he answered, pettishly. "I know I do all I can--Isay all I can--but she----"This was rather awkwardly put by Patton, but Carrie redeemed itwith a grace which was inspiring."But she is your wife," she said, fixing her whole attention uponthe stilled actor, and softening the quality of her voice untilit was again low and musical. "Ray, my friend, courtship is thetext from which the whole sermon of married life takes its theme.Do not let yours be discontented and unhappy."She put her two little hands together and pressed themappealingly.Hurstwood gazed with slightly parted lips. Drouet was fidgetingwith satisfaction."To be my wife, yes," went on the actor in a manner which wasweak by comparison, but which could not now spoil the tenderatmosphere which Carrie had created and maintained. She did notseem to feel that he was wretched. She would have done nearly aswell with a block of wood. The accessories she needed werewithin her own imagination. The acting of others could notaffect them."And you repent already?" she said, slowly."I lost you," he said, seizing her little hand, "and I was at themercy of any flirt who chose to give me an inviting look. It wasyour fault--you know it was--why did you leave me?"Carrie turned slowly away, and seemed to be mastering someimpulse in silence. Then she turned back."Ray," she said, "the greatest happiness I have ever felt hasbeen the thought that all your affection was forever bestowedupon a virtuous woman, your equal in family, fortune, andaccomplishments. What a revelation do you make to me now! Whatis it makes you continually war with your happiness?"The last question was asked so simply that it came to theaudience and the lover as a personal thing.At last it came to the part where the lover exclaimed, "Be to meas you used to be."Carrie answered, with affecting sweetness, "I cannot be that toyou, but I can speak in the spirit of the Laura who is dead toyou forever.""Be it as you will," said Patton.Hurstwood leaned forward. The whole audience was silent andintent."Let the woman you look upon be wise or vain," said Carrie, hereyes bent sadly upon the lover, who had sunk into a seat,"beautiful or homely, rich or poor, she has but one thing she canreally give or refuse--her heart."Drouet felt a scratch in his throat."Her beauty, her wit, her accomplishments, she may sell to you;but her love is the treasure without money and without price."The manager suffered this as a personal appeal. It came to himas if they were alone, and he could hardly restrain the tears forsorrow over the hopeless, pathetic, and yet dainty and appealingwoman whom he loved. Drouet also was beside himself. He wasresolving that he would be to Carrie what he had never beenbefore. He would marry her, by George! She was worth it."She asks only in return," said Carrie, scarcely hearing thesmall, scheduled reply of her lover, and putting herself evenmore in harmony with the plaintive melody now issuing from theorchestra, "that when you look upon her your eyes shall speakdevotion; that when you address her your voice shall be gentle,loving, and kind; that you shall not despise her because shecannot understand all at once your vigorous thoughts andambitious designs; for, when misfortune and evil have defeatedyour greatest purposes, her love remains to console you. Youlook to the trees," she continued, while Hurstwood restrained hisfeelings only by the grimmest repression, "for strength andgrandeur; do not despise the flowers because their fragrance isall they have to give. Remember," she concluded, tenderly, "loveis all a woman has to give," and she laid a strange, sweet accenton the all, "but it is the only thing which God permits us tocarry beyond the grave."The two men were in the most harrowed state of affection. Theyscarcely heard the few remaining words with which the sceneconcluded. They only saw their idol, moving about with appealinggrace, continuing a power which to them was a revelation.Hurstwood resolved a thousands things, Drouet as well. Theyjoined equally in the burst of applause which called Carrie out.Drouet pounded his hands until they ached. Then he jumped upagain and started out. As he went, Carrie came out, and, seeingan immense basket of flowers being hurried down the aisle towardher she waited. They were Hurstwood's. She looked toward themanager's box for a moment, caught his eye, and smiled. He couldhave leaped out of the box to enfold her. He forgot the need ofcircumspectness which his married state enforced. He almostforgot that he had with him in the box those who knew him. Bythe Lord, he would have that lovely girl if it took his all. Hewould act at once. This should be the end of Drouet, and don'tyou forget it. He would not wait another day. The drummershould not have her.He was so excited that he could not stay in the box. He wentinto the lobby, and then into the street, thinking. Drouet didnot return. In a few minutes the last act was over, and he wascrazy to have Carrie alone. He cursed the luck that could keephim smiling, bowing, shamming, when he wanted to tell her that heloved her, when he wanted to whisper to her alone. He groaned ashe saw that his hopes were futile. He must even take her tosupper, shamming. He finally went about and asked how she wasgetting along. The actors were all dressing, talking, hurryingabout. Drouet was palavering himself with the looseness ofexcitement and passion. The manager mastered himself only by agreat effort."We are going to supper, of course," he said, with a voice thatwas a mockery of his heart."Oh, yes," said Carrie, smiling.The little actress was in fine feather. She was realising nowwhat it was to be petted. For once she was the admired, thesought-for. The independence of success now made its first faintshowing. With the tables turned, she was looking down, ratherthan up, to her lover. She did not fully realise that this wasso, but there was something in condescension coming from herwhich was infinitely sweet. When she was ready they climbed intothe waiting coach and drove down town; once, only, did she findan opportunity to express her feeling, and that was when themanager preceded Drouet in the coach and sat beside her. BeforeDrouet was fully in she had squeezed Hurstwood's hand in agentle, impulsive manner. The manager was beside himself withaffection. He could have sold his soul to be with her alone."Ah," he thought, "the agony of it."Drouet hung on, thinking he was all in all. The dinner wasspoiled by his enthusiasm. Hurstwood went home feeling as if heshould die if he did not find affectionate relief. He whispered"to-morrow" passionately to Carrie, and she understood. Hewalked away from the drummer and his prize at parting feeling asif he could slay him and not regret. Carrie also felt the miseryof it."Good-night," he said, simulating an easy friendliness."Good-night," said the little actress, tenderly."The fool!" he said, now hating Drouet. "The idiot! I'll do himyet, and that quick! We'll see to-morrow.""Well, if you aren't a wonder," Drouet was saying, complacently,squeezing Carrie's arm. "You are the dandiest little girl onearth."