Chapter XXIX

by Theodore Dreiser

  THE SOLACE OF TRAVEL--THE BOATS OF THE SEATo the untravelled, territory other than their own familiar heathis invariably fascinating. Next to love, it is the one thingwhich solaces and delights. Things new are too important to beneglected, and mind, which is a mere reflection of sensoryimpressions, succumbs to the flood of objects. Thus lovers areforgotten, sorrows laid aside, death hidden from view. There isa world of accumulated feeling back of the trite dramaticexpression--"I am going away."As Carrie looked out upon the flying scenery she almost forgotthat she had been tricked into this long journey against her willand that she was without the necessary apparel for travelling.She quite forgot Hurstwood's presence at times, and looked awayto homely farmhouses and cosey cottages in villages withwondering eyes. It was an interesting world to her. Her lifehad just begun. She did not feel herself defeated at all.Neither was she blasted in hope. The great city held much.Possibly she would come out of bondage into freedom--who knows?Perhaps she would be happy. These thoughts raised her above thelevel of erring. She was saved in that she was hopeful.The following morning the train pulled safely into Montreal andthey stepped down, Hurstwood glad to be out of danger, Carriewondering at the novel atmosphere of the northern city. Longbefore, Hurstwood had been here, and now he remembered the nameof the hotel at which he had stopped. As they came out of themain entrance of the depot he heard it called anew by a busman."We'll go right up and get rooms," he said.At the clerk's office Hurstwood swung the register about whilethe clerk came forward. He was thinking what name he would putdown. With the latter before him he found no time forhesitation. A name he had seen out of the car window cameswiftly to him. It was pleasing enough. With an easy hand hewrote, "G. W. Murdock and wife." It was the largest concession tonecessity he felt like making. His initials he could not spare.When they were shown their room Carrie saw at once that he hadsecured her a lovely chamber."You have a bath there," said he. "Now you can clean up when youget ready."Carrie went over and looked out the window, while Hurstwoodlooked at himself in the glass. He felt dusty and unclean. Hehad no trunk, no change of linen, not even a hair-brush."I'll ring for soap and towels," he said, "and send you up ahair-brush. Then you can bathe and get ready for breakfast.I'll go for a shave and come back and get you, and then we'll goout and look for some clothes for you."He smiled good-naturedly as he said this."All right," said Carrie.She sat down in one of the rocking-chairs, while Hurstwood waitedfor the boy, who soon knocked."Soap, towels, and a pitcher of ice-water.""Yes, sir.""I'll go now," he said to Carrie, coming toward her and holdingout his hands, but she did not move to take them."You're not mad at me, are you?" he asked softly."Oh, no!" she answered, rather indifferently."Don't you care for me at all?"She made no answer, but looked steadily toward the window."Don't you think you could love me a little?" he pleaded, takingone of her hands, which she endeavoured to draw away. "You oncesaid you did.""What made you deceive me so?" asked Carrie."I couldn't help it," he said, "I wanted you too much.""You didn't have any right to want me," she answered, strikingcleanly home."Oh, well, Carrie," he answered, "here I am. It's too late now.Won't you try and care for me a little?"He looked rather worsted in thought as he stood before her.She shook her head negatively."Let me start all over again. Be my wife from to-day on."Carrie rose up as if to step away, he holding her hand. Now heslipped his arm about her and she struggled, but in vain. Heheld her quite close. Instantly there flamed up in his body theall compelling desire. His affection took an ardent form."Let me go," said Carrie, who was folded close to him."Won't you love me?" he said. "Won't you be mine from now on?"Carrie had never been ill-disposed toward him. Only a momentbefore she had been listening with some complacency, rememberingher old affection for him. He was so handsome, so daring!Now, however, this feeling had changed to one of opposition,which rose feebly. It mastered her for a moment, and then, heldclose as she was, began to wane. Something else in her spoke.This man, to whose bosom she was being pressed, was strong; hewas passionate, he loved her, and she was alone. If she did notturn to him--accept of his love--where else might she go? Herresistance half dissolved in the flood of his strong feeling.She found him lifting her head and looking into her eyes. Whatmagnetism there was she could never know. His many sins,however, were for the moment all forgotten.He pressed her closer and kissed her, and she felt that furtheropposition was useless."Will you marry me?" she asked, forgetting how."This very day," he said, with all delight.Now the hall-boy pounded on the door and he released his holdupon her regretfully."You get ready now, will you," he said, "at once?""Yes," she answered."I'll be back in three-quarters of an hour."Carrie, flushed and excited, moved away as he admitted the boy.Below stairs, he halted in the lobby to look for a barber shop.For the moment, he was in fine feather. His recent victory overCarrie seemed to atone for much he had endured during the lastfew days. Life seemed worth fighting for. This eastward flightfrom all things customary and attached seemed as if it might havehappiness in store. The storm showed a rainbow at the end ofwhich might be a pot of gold.He was about to cross to a little red-and-white striped bar whichwas fastened up beside a door when a voice greeted himfamiliarly. Instantly his heart sank."Why, hello, George, old man!" said the voice. "What are youdoing down here?"Hurstwood was already confronted, and recognised his friendKenny, the stock-broker."Just attending to a little private matter," he answered, hismind working like a key-board of a telephone station. This manevidently did not know--he had not read the papers."Well, it seems strange to see you way up here," said Mr. Kennygenially. "Stopping here?""Yes," said Hurstwood uneasily, thinking of his handwriting onthe register."Going to be in town long?""No, only a day or so.""Is that so? Had your breakfast?""Yes," said Hurstwood, lying blandly. "I'm just going for ashave.""Won't you come have a drink?""Not until afterwards," said the ex-manager. "I'll see youlater. Are you stopping here?""Yes," said Mr. Kenny, and then, turning the word again added:"How are things out in Chicago?""About the same as usual," said Hurstwood, smiling genially."Wife with you?""No.""Well, I must see more of you to-day. I'm just going in here forbreakfast. Come in when you're through.""I will," said Hurstwood, moving away. The whole conversationwas a trial to him. It seemed to add complications with veryword. This man called up a thousand memories. He representedeverything he had left. Chicago, his wife, the elegant resort--all these were in his greeting and inquiries. And here he was inthis same hotel expecting to confer with him, unquestionablywaiting to have a good time with him. All at once the Chicagopapers would arrive. The local papers would have accounts inthem this very day. He forgot his triumph with Carrie in thepossibility of soon being known for what he was, in this man'seyes, a safe-breaker. He could have groaned as he went into thebarber shop. He decided to escape and seek a more secludedhotel.Accordingly, when he came out he was glad to see the lobby clear,and hastened toward the stairs. He would get Carrie and go outby the ladies' entrance. They would have breakfast in some moreinconspicuous place.Across the lobby, however, another individual was surveying him.He was of a commonplace Irish type, small of stature, cheaplydressed, and with a head that seemed a smaller edition of somehuge ward politician's. This individual had been evidentlytalking with the clerk, but now he surveyed the ex-managerkeenly.Hurstwood felt the long-range examination and recognised thetype. Instinctively he felt that the man was a detective--thathe was being watched. He hurried across, pretending not tonotice, but in his mind was a world of thoughts. What wouldhappen now? What could these people do? He began to troubleconcerning the extradition laws. He did not understand themabsolutely. Perhaps he could be arrested. Oh, if Carrie shouldfind out! Montreal was too warm for him. He began to long to beout of it.Carrie had bathed and was waiting when he arrived. She lookedrefreshed--more delightful than ever, but reserved. Since he hadgone she had resumed somewhat of her cold attitude towards him.Love was not blazing in her heart. He felt it, and his troublesseemed increased. He could not take her in his arms; he did noteven try. Something about her forbade it. In part his opinionwas the result of his own experiences and reflections belowstairs."You're ready, are you?" he said kindly."Yes," she answered."We'll go out for breakfast. This place down here doesn't appealto me very much.""All right," said Carrie.They went out, and at the corner the commonplace Irish individualwas standing, eyeing him. Hurstwood could scarcely refrain fromshowing that he knew of this chap's presence. The insolence inthe fellow's eye was galling. Still they passed, and heexplained to Carrie concerning the city. Another restaurant wasnot long in showing itself, and here they entered."What a queer town this is," said Carrie, who marvelled at itsolely because it was not like Chicago."It Isn't as lively as Chicago," said Hurstwood. "Don't you likeit?""No," said Carrie, whose feelings were already localised in thegreat Western city."Well, it isn't as interesting," said Hurstwood."What's here?" asked Carrie, wondering at his choosing to visitthis town."Nothing much," returned Hurstwood. "It's quite a resort.There's some pretty scenery about here."Carrie listened, but with a feeling of unrest. There was muchabout her situation which destroyed the possibility ofappreciation."We won't stay here long," said Hurstwood, who was now reallyglad to note her dissatisfaction. "You pick out your clothes assoon as breakfast is over and we'll run down to New York soon.You'll like that. It's a lot more like a city than any placeoutside Chicago."He was really planning to slip out and away. He would see whatthese detectives would do--what move his employers at Chicagowould make--then he would slip away--down to New York, where itwas easy to hide. He knew enough about that city to know thatits mysteries and possibilities of mystification were infinite.The more he thought, however, the more wretched his situationbecame. He saw that getting here did not exactly clear up theground. The firm would probably employ detectives to watch him--Pinkerton men or agents of Mooney and Boland. They might arresthim the moment he tried to leave Canada. So he might becompelled to remain here months, and in what a state!Back at the hotel Hurstwood was anxious and yet fearful to seethe morning papers. He wanted to know how far the news of hiscriminal deed had spread. So he told Carrie he would be up in afew moments, and went to secure and scan the dailies. Nofamiliar or suspicious faces were about, and yet he did not likereading in the lobby, so he sought the main parlour on the floorabove and, seated by a window there, looked them over. Verylittle was given to his crime, but it was there, several "sticks"in all, among all the riffraff of telegraphed murders, accidents,marriages, and other news. He wished, half sadly, that he couldundo it all. Every moment of his time in this far-off abode ofsafety but added to his feeling that he had made a great mistake.There could have been an easier way out if he had only known.He left the papers before going to the room, thinking thus tokeep them out of the hands of Carrie."Well, how are you feeling?" he asked of her. She was engaged inlooking out of the window."Oh, all right," she answered.He came over, and was about to begin a conversation with her,when a knock came at their door."Maybe it's one of my parcels," said Carrie.Hurstwood opened the door, outside of which stood the individualwhom he had so thoroughly suspected."You're Mr. Hurstwood, are you?" said the latter, with a volumeof affected shrewdness and assurance."Yes," said Hurstwood calmly. He knew the type so thoroughlythat some of his old familiar indifference to it returned. Suchmen as these were of the lowest stratum welcomed at the resort.He stepped out and closed the door."Well, you know what I am here for, don't you?" said the manconfidentially."I can guess," said Hurstwood softly."Well, do you intend to try and keep the money?""That's my affair," said Hurstwood grimly."You can't do it, you know," said the detective, eyeing himcoolly."Look here, my man," said Hurstwood authoritatively, "you don'tunderstand anything about this case, and I can't explain to you.Whatever I intend to do I'll do without advice from the outside.You'll have to excuse me.""Well, now, there's no use of your talking that way," said theman, "when you're in the hands of the police. We can make a lotof trouble for you if we want to. You're not registered right inthis house, you haven't got your wife with you, and thenewspapers don't know you're here yet. You might as well bereasonable.""What do you want to know?" asked Hurstwood."Whether you're going to send back that money or not."Hurstwood paused and studied the floor."There's no use explaining to you about this," he said at last."There's no use of your asking me. I'm no fool, you know. Iknow just what you can do and what you can't. You can create alot of trouble if you want to. I know that all right, but itwon't help you to get the money. Now, I've made up my mind whatto do. I've already written Fitzgerald and Moy, so there'snothing I can say. You wait until you hear more from them."All the time he had been talking he had been moving away from thedoor, down the corridor, out of the hearing of Carrie. They werenow near the end where the corridor opened into the large generalparlour."You won't give it up?" said the man.The words irritated Hurstwood greatly. Hot blood poured into hisbrain. Many thoughts formulated themselves. He was no thief.He didn't want the money. If he could only explain to Fitzgeraldand Moy, maybe it would be all right again."See here," he said, "there's no use my talking about this atall. I respect your power all right, but I'll have to deal withthe people who know.""Well, you can't get out of Canada with it," said the man."I don't want to get out," said Hurstwood. "When I get readythere'll be nothing to stop me for."He turned back, and the detective watched him closely. It seemedan intolerable thing. Still he went on and into the room."Who was it?" asked Carrie."A friend of mine from Chicago."The whole of this conversation was such a shock that, coming asit did after all the other worry of the past week, it sufficed toinduce a deep gloom and moral revulsion in Hurstwood. What hurthim most was the fact that he was being pursued as a thief. Hebegan to see the nature of that social injustice which sees butone side--often but a single point in a long tragedy. All thenewspapers noted but one thing, his taking the money. How andwherefore were but indifferently dealt with. All thecomplications which led up to it were unknown. He was accusedwithout being understood.Sitting in his room with Carrie the same day, he decided to sendthe money back. He would write Fitzgerald and Moy, explain all,and then send it by express. Maybe they would forgive him.Perhaps they would ask him back. He would make good the falsestatement he had made about writing them. Then he would leavethis peculiar town.For an hour he thought over this plausible statement of thetangle. He wanted to tell them about his wife, but couldn't. Hefinally narrowed it down to an assertion that he was light-headedfrom entertaining friends, had found the safe open, and havinggone so far as to take the money out, had accidentally closed it.This act he regretted very much. He was sorry he had put them toso much trouble. He would undo what he could by sending themoney back--the major portion of it. The remainder he would payup as soon as he could. Was there any possibility of his beingrestored? This he only hinted at.The troubled state of the man's mind may be judged by the veryconstruction of this letter. For the nonce he forgot what apainful thing it would be to resume his old place, even if itwere given him. He forgot that he had severed himself from thepast as by a sword, and that if he did manage to in some wayreunite himself with it, the jagged line of separation andreunion would always show. He was always forgetting something--his wife, Carrie, his need of money, present situation, orsomething--and so did not reason clearly. Nevertheless, he sentthe letter, waiting a reply before sending the money.Meanwhile, he accepted his present situation with Carrie, gettingwhat joy out of it he could.Out came the sun by noon, and poured a golden flood through theiropen windows. Sparrows were twittering. There were laughter andsong in the air. Hurstwood could not keep his eyes from Carrie.She seemed the one ray of sunshine in all his trouble. Oh, ifshe would only love him wholly--only throw her arms around him inthe blissful spirit in which he had seen her in the little parkin Chicago--how happy he would be! It would repay him; it wouldshow him that he had not lost all. He would not care."Carrie," he said, getting up once and coming over to her, "areyou going to stay with me from now on?"She looked at him quizzically, but melted with sympathy as thevalue of the look upon his face forced itself upon her. It waslove now, keen and strong--love enhanced by difficulty and worry.She could not help smiling."Let me be everything to you from now on," he said. "Don't makeme worry any more. I'll be true to you. We'll go to New Yorkand get a nice flat. I'll go into business again, and we'll behappy. Won't you be mine?"Carrie listened quite solemnly. There was no great passion inher, but the drift of things and this man's proximity created asemblance of affection. She felt rather sorry for him--a sorrowborn of what had only recently been a great admiration. Truelove she had never felt for him. She would have known as much ifshe could have analysed her feelings, but this thing which shenow felt aroused by his great feeling broke down the barriersbetween them."You'll stay with me, won't you?" he asked."Yes," she said, nodding her head.He gathered her to himself, imprinting kisses upon her lips andcheeks."You must marry me, though," she said."I'll get a license to-day," he answered."How?" she asked."Under a new name," he answered. "I'll take a new name and livea new life. From now on I'm Murdock.""Oh, don't take that name," said Carrie."Why not?" he said."I don't like it.""Well, what shall I take?" he asked."Oh, anything, only don't take that."He thought a while, still keeping his arms about her, and thensaid:"How would Wheeler do?""That's all right," said Carrie."Well, then, Wheeler," he said. "I'll get the license thisafternoon."They were married by a Baptist minister, the first divine theyfound convenient.At last the Chicago firm answered. It was by Mr. Moy'sdictation. He was astonished that Hurstwood had done this; verysorry that it had come about as it had. If the money werereturned, they would not trouble to prosecute him, as they reallybore him no ill-will. As for his returning, or their restoringhim to his former position, they had not quite decided what theeffect of it would be. They would think it over and correspondwith him later, possibly, after a little time, and so on.The sum and substance of it was that there was no hope, and theywanted the money with the least trouble possible. Hurstwood readhis doom. He decided to pay $9,500 to the agent whom they saidthey would send, keeping $1,300 for his own use. He telegraphedhis acquiescence, explained to the representative who called atthe hotel the same day, took a certificate of payment, and toldCarrie to pack her trunk. He was slightly depressed over thisnewest move at the time he began to make it, but eventuallyrestored himself. He feared that even yet he might be seized andtaken back, so he tried to conceal his movements, but it wasscarcely possible. He ordered Carrie's trunk sent to the depot,where he had it sent by express to New York. No one seemed to beobserving him, but he left at night. He was greatly agitatedlest at the first station across the border or at the depot inNew York there should be waiting for him an officer of the law.Carrie, ignorant of his theft and his fears, enjoyed the entryinto the latter city in the morning. The round green hillssentinelling the broad, expansive bosom of the Hudson held herattention by their beauty as the train followed the line of thestream. She had heard of the Hudson River, the great city of NewYork, and now she looked out, filling her mind with the wonder ofit.As the train turned east at Spuyten Duyvil and followed the eastbank of the Harlem River, Hurstwood nervously called herattention to the fact that they were on the edge of the city.After her experience with Chicago, she expected long lines ofcars--a great highway of tracks--and noted the difference. Thesight of a few boats in the Harlem and more in the East Rivertickled her young heart. It was the first sign of the great sea.Next came a plain street with five-story brick flats, and thenthe train plunged into the tunnel."Grand Central Station!" called the trainman, as, after a fewminutes of darkness and smoke, daylight reappeared. Hurstwoodarose and gathered up his small grip. He was screwed up to thehighest tension. With Carrie he waited at the door and thendismounted. No one approached him, but he glanced furtively toand fro as he made for the street entrance. So excited was hethat he forgot all about Carrie, who fell behind, wondering athis self-absorption. As he passed through the depot proper thestrain reached its climax and began to wane. All at once he wason the sidewalk, and none but cabmen hailed him. He heaved agreat breath and turned, remembering Carrie."I thought you were going to run off and leave me," she said."I was trying to remember which car takes us to the Gilsey," heanswered.Carrie hardly heard him, so interested was she in the busy scene."How large is New York?" she asked."Oh a million or more," said Hurstwood.He looked around and hailed a cab, but he did so in a changedway.For the first time in years the thought that he must count theselittle expenses flashed through his mind. It was a disagreeablething.He decided he would lose no time living in hotels but would renta flat. Accordingly he told Carrie, and she agreed."We'll look to-day, if you want to," she said.Suddenly he thought of his experience in Montreal. At the moreimportant hotels he would be certain to meet Chicagoans whom heknew. He stood up and spoke to the driver."Take me to the Belford," he said, knowing it to be lessfrequented by those whom he knew. Then he sat down."Where is the residence part?" asked Carrie, who did not take thetall five-story walls on either hand to be the abodes offamilies."Everywhere," said Hurstwood, who knew the city fairly well."There are no lawns in New York. All these are houses.""Well, then, I don't like it," said Carrie, who was coming tohave a few opinions of her own.

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