Chapter IV. The Patterns.

by Alexandre Dumas

  During all this time the noble mob was slowly heaving away, leaving atevery angle of the counter either a murmur or a menace, as the wavesleave foam or scattered seaweed on the sands, when they retire with theebbing tide. In about ten minutes Moliere reappeared, making anothersign to D'Artagnan from under the hangings. The latter hurried afterhim, with Porthos in the rear, and after threading a labyrinth ofcorridors, introduced him to M. Percerin's room. The old man, with hissleeves turned up, was gathering up in folds a piece of gold-floweredbrocade, so as the better to exhibit its luster. Perceiving D'Artagnan,he put the silk aside, and came to meet him, by no means radiant withjoy, and by no means courteous, but, take it altogether, in a tolerablycivil manner."The captain of the king's musketeers will excuse me, I am sure, for I amengaged.""Eh! yes, on the king's costumes; I know that, my dear MonsieurPercerin. You are making three, they tell me.""Five, my dear sir, five.""Three or five, 'tis all the same to me, my dear monsieur; and I knowthat you will make them most exquisitely.""Yes, I know. Once made they will be the most beautiful in the world, Ido not deny it; but that they may be the most beautiful in the word, theymust first be made; and to do this, captain, I am pressed for time.""Oh, bah! there are two days yet; 'tis much more than you require,Monsieur Percerin," said D'Artagnan, in the coolest possible manner.Percerin raised his head with the air of a man little accustomed to becontradicted, even in his whims; but D'Artagnan did not pay the leastattention to the airs which the illustrious tailor began to assume."My dear M. Percerin," he continued, "I bring you a customer.""Ah! ah!" exclaimed Percerin, crossly."M. le Baron du Vallon de Bracieux de Pierrefonds," continuedD'Artagnan. Percerin attempted a bow, which found no favor in the eyesof the terrible Porthos, who, from his first entry into the room, hadbeen regarding the tailor askance."A very good friend of mine," concluded D'Artagnan."I will attend to monsieur," said Percerin, "but later.""Later? but when?""When I have time.""You have already told my valet as much," broke in Porthos,discontentedly."Very likely," said Percerin; "I am nearly always pushed for time.""My friend," returned Porthos, sententiously, "there is always time to befound when one chooses to seek it."Percerin turned crimson; an ominous sign indeed in old men blanched byage."Monsieur is quite at liberty to confer his custom elsewhere.""Come, come, Percerin," interposed D'Artagnan, "you are not in a goodtemper to-day. Well, I will say one more word to you, which will bringyou on your knees; monsieur is not only a friend of mine, but more, afriend of M. Fouquet's.""Ah! ah!" exclaimed the tailor, "that is another thing." Then turning toPorthos, "Monsieur le baron is attached to the superintendent?" heinquired."I am attached to myself," shouted Porthos, at the very moment that thetapestry was raised to introduce a new speaker in the dialogue. Molierewas all observation, D'Artagnan laughed, Porthos swore."My dear Percerin," said D'Artagnan, "you will make a dress for thebaron. 'Tis I who ask you.""To you I will not say nay, captain.""But that is not all; you will make it for him at once.""'Tis impossible within eight days.""That, then, is as much as to refuse, because the dress is wanted for thefete at Vaux.""I repeat that it is impossible," returned the obstinate old man."By no means, dear Monsieur Percerin, above all if I ask you," said amild voice at the door, a silvery voice which made D'Artagnan prick uphis ears. It was the voice of Aramis."Monsieur d'Herblay!" cried the tailor."Aramis," murmured D'Artagnan."Ah! our bishop!" said Porthos."Good morning, D'Artagnan; good morning, Porthos; good-morning, my dearfriends," said Aramis. "Come, come, M. Percerin, make the baron's dress;and I will answer for it you will gratify M. Fouquet." And heaccompanied the words with a sign, which seemed to say, "Agree, anddismiss them."It appeared that Aramis had over Master Percerin an influence superioreven to D'Artagnan's, for the tailor bowed in assent, and turning roundupon Porthos, said, "Go and get measured on the other side."Porthos colored in a formidable manner. D'Artagnan saw the storm coming,and addressing Moliere, said to him, in an undertone, "You see beforeyou, my dear monsieur, a man who considers himself disgraced, if youmeasure the flesh and bones that Heaven has given him; study this typefor me, Master Aristophanes, and profit by it."Moliere had no need of encouragement, and his gaze dwelt long and keenlyon the Baron Porthos. "Monsieur," he said, "if you will come with me, Iwill make them take your measure without touching you.""Oh!" said Porthos, "how do you make that out, my friend?""I say that they shall apply neither line nor rule to the seams of yourdress. It is a new method we have invented for measuring people ofquality, who are too sensitive to allow low-born fellows to touch them.We know some susceptible persons who will not put up with being measured,a process which, as I think, wounds the natural dignity of a man; and ifperchance monsieur should be one of these - ""Corboeuf! I believe I am too!""Well, that is a capital and most consolatory coincidence, and you shallhave the benefit of our invention.""But how in the world can it be done?" asked Porthos, delighted."Monsieur," said Moliere, bowing, "if you will deign to follow me, youwill see."Aramis observed this scene with all his eyes. Perhaps he fancied fromD'Artagnan's liveliness that he would leave with Porthos, so as not tolose the conclusion of a scene well begun. But, clear-sighted as he was,Aramis deceived himself. Porthos and Moliere left together: D'Artagnanremained with Percerin. Why? From curiosity, doubtless; probably toenjoy a little longer the society of his good friend Aramis. As Moliereand Porthos disappeared, D'Artagnan drew near the bishop of Vannes, aproceeding which appeared particularly to disconcert him."A dress for you, also, is it not, my friend?"Aramis smiled. "No," said he."You will go to Vaux, however?""I shall go, but without a new dress. You forget, dear D'Artagnan, thata poor bishop of Vannes is not rich enough to have new dresses for everyfete.""Bah!" said the musketeer, laughing, "and do we write no more poems now,either?""Oh! D'Artagnan," exclaimed Aramis, "I have long ago given up all suchtomfoolery.""True," repeated D'Artagnan, only half convinced. As for Percerin, hewas once more absorbed in contemplation of the brocades."Don't you perceive," said Aramis, smiling, "that we are greatly boringthis good gentleman, my dear D'Artagnan?""Ah! ah!" murmured the musketeer, aside; "that is, I am boring you, myfriend." Then aloud, "Well, then, let us leave; I have no furtherbusiness here, and if you are as disengaged as I, Aramis - ""No, not I - I wished - ""Ah! you had something particular to say to M. Percerin? Why did you nottell me so at once?""Something particular, certainly," repeated Aramis, "but not for you,D'Artagnan. But, at the same time, I hope you will believe that I cannever have anything so particular to say that a friend like you may nothear it.""Oh, no, no! I am going," said D'Artagnan, imparting to his voice anevident tone of curiosity; for Aramis's annoyance, well dissembled as itwas, had not a whit escaped him; and he knew that, in that impenetrablemind, every thing, even the most apparently trivial, was designed to someend; an unknown one, but an end that, from the knowledge he had of hisfriend's character, the musketeer felt must be important.On his part, Aramis saw that D'Artagnan was not without suspicion, andpressed him. "Stay, by all means," he said, "this is what it is." Thenturning towards the tailor, "My dear Percerin," said he, - "I am evenvery happy that you are here, D'Artagnan.""Oh, indeed," exclaimed the Gascon, for the third time, even lessdeceived this time than before.Percerin never moved. Aramis roused him violently, by snatching from hishands the stuff upon which he was engaged. "My dear Percerin," said he,"I have, near hand, M. Lebrun, one of M. Fouquet's painters.""Ah, very good," thought D'Artagnan; "but why Lebrun?"Aramis looked at D'Artagnan, who seemed to be occupied with an engravingof Mark Antony. "And you wish that I should make him a dress, similar tothose of the Epicureans?" answered Percerin. And while saying this, inan absent manner, the worthy tailor endeavored to recapture his piece ofbrocade."An Epicurean's dress?" asked D'Artagnan, in a tone of inquiry."I see," said Aramis, with a most engaging smile, "it is written that ourdear D'Artagnan shall know all our secrets this evening. Yes, friend,you have surely heard speak of M. Fouquet's Epicureans, have you not?""Undoubtedly. Is it not a kind of poetical society, of which LaFontaine, Loret, Pelisson, and Moliere are members, and which holds itssittings at Saint-Mande?""Exactly so. Well, we are going to put our poets in uniform, and enrollthem in a regiment for the king.""Oh, very well, I understand; a surprise M. Fouquet is getting up for theking. Be at ease; if that is the secret about M. Lebrun, I will notmention it.""Always agreeable, my friend. No, Monsieur Lebrun has nothing to do withthis part of it; the secret which concerns him is far more important thanthe other.""Then, if it is so important as all that, I prefer not to know it," saidD'Artagnan, making a show of departure."Come in, M. Lebrun, come in," said Aramis, opening a side-door with hisright hand, and holding back D'Artagnan with his left."I'faith, I too, am quite in the dark," quoth Percerin.Aramis took an "opportunity," as is said in theatrical matters."My dear M. de Percerin," Aramis continued, "you are making five dressesfor the king, are you not? One in brocade; one in hunting-cloth; one invelvet; one in satin; and one in Florentine stuffs.""Yes; but how - do you know all that, monseigneur?" said Percerin,astounded."It is all very simple, my dear monsieur; there will be a hunt, abanquet, concert, promenade and reception; these five kinds of dress arerequired by etiquette.""You know everything, monseigneur!""And a thing or two in addition," muttered D'Artagnan."But," cried the tailor, in triumph, "what you do not know, monseigneurprince of the church though you are - what nobody will know - what onlythe king, Mademoiselle de la Valliere, and myself do know, is the colorof the materials and nature of the ornaments, and the cut, theensemble, the finish of it all!""Well," said Aramis, "that is precisely what I have come to ask you, dearPercerin.""Ah, bah!" exclaimed the tailor, terrified, though Aramis had pronouncedthese words in his softest and most honeyed tones. The request appeared,on reflection, so exaggerated, so ridiculous, so monstrous to M. Percerinthat first he laughed to himself, then aloud, and finished with a shout.D'Artagnan followed his example, not because he found the matter so "veryfunny," but in order not to allow Aramis to cool."At the outset, I appear to be hazarding an absurd question, do I not?"said Aramis. "But D'Artagnan, who is incarnate wisdom itself, will tellyou that I could not do otherwise than ask you this.""Let us see," said the attentive musketeer; perceiving with his wonderfulinstinct that they had only been skirmishing till now, and that the hourof battle was approaching."Let us see," said Percerin, incredulously."Why, now," continued Aramis, "does M. Fouquet give the king a fete? -Is it not to please him?""Assuredly," said Percerin. D'Artagnan nodded assent."By delicate attentions? by some happy device? by a succession ofsurprises, like that of which we were talking? - the enrolment of ourEpicureans.""Admirable.""Well, then; this is the surprise we intend. M. Lebrun here is a man whodraws most excellently.""Yes," said Percerin; "I have seen his pictures, and observed that hisdresses were highly elaborated. That is why I at once agreed to make hima costume - whether to agree with those of the Epicureans, or an originalone.""My dear monsieur, we accept your offer, and shall presently availourselves of it; but just now, M. Lebrun is not in want of the dressesyou will make for himself, but of those you are making for the king."Percerin made a bound backwards, which D'Artagnan - calmest and mostappreciative of men, did not consider overdone, so many strange andstartling aspects wore the proposal which Aramis had just hazarded. "Theking's dresses! Give the king's dresses to any mortal whatever! Oh! foronce, monseigneur, your grace is mad!" cried the poor tailor in extremity."Help me now, D'Artagnan," said Aramis, more and more calm and smiling."Help me now to persuade monsieur, for you understand; do you not?""Eh! eh! - not exactly, I declare.""What! you do not understand that M. Fouquet wishes to afford the kingthe surprise of finding his portrait on his arrival at Vaux; and that theportrait, which be a striking resemblance, ought to be dressed exactly asthe king will be on the day it is shown?""Oh! yes, yes," said the musketeer, nearly convinced, so plausible wasthis reasoning. "Yes, my dear Aramis, you are right; it is a happyidea. I will wager it is one of your own, Aramis.""Well, I don't know," replied the bishop; "either mine or M. Fouquet's."Then scanning Percerin, after noticing D'Artagnan's hesitation, "Well,Monsieur Percerin," he asked, "what do you say to this?""I say, that - ""That you are, doubtless, free to refuse. I know well - and I by nomeans count upon compelling you, my dear monsieur. I will say more, Ieven understand all the delicacy you feel in taking up with M. Fouquet'sidea; you dread appearing to flatter the king. A noble spirit, M.Percerin, a noble spirit!" The tailor stammered. "It would, indeed, bea very pretty compliment to pay the young prince," continued Aramis; "butas the surintendant told me, 'if Percerin refuse, tell him that it willnot at all lower him in my opinion, and I shall always esteem him, only- '""'Only?'" repeated Percerin, rather troubled."'Only,'" continued Aramis, "'I shall be compelled to say to the king,'you understand, my dear Monsieur Percerin, that these are M. Fouquet'swords, - 'I shall be constrained to say to the king, "Sire, I hadintended to present your majesty with your portrait, but owing to afeeling of delicacy, slightly exaggerated perhaps, although creditable,M. Percerin opposed the project."'""Opposed!" cried the tailor, terrified at the responsibility which wouldweigh upon him; "I to oppose the desire, the will of M. Fouquet when heis seeking to please the king! Oh, what a hateful word you have uttered,monseigneur. Oppose! Oh, 'tis not I who said it, Heaven have mercy onme. I call the captain of the musketeers to witness it! Is it not true,Monsieur d'Artagnan, that I have opposed nothing?"D'Artagnan made a sign indicating that he wished to remain neutral. Hefelt that there was an intrigue at the bottom of it, whether comedy ortragedy; he was at his wit's end at not being able to fathom it, but inthe meanwhile wished to keep clear.But already Percerin, goaded by the idea that the king was to be told hestood in the way of a pleasant surprise, had offered Lebrun a chair, andproceeded to bring from a wardrobe four magnificent dresses, the fifthbeing still in the workmen's hands; and these masterpieces hesuccessively fitted upon four lay figures, which, imported into France inthe time of Concini, had been given to Percerin II. by Marshal d'Onore,after the discomfiture of the Italian tailors ruined in theircompetition. The painter set to work to draw and then to paint thedresses. But Aramis, who was closely watching all the phases of histoil, suddenly stopped him."I think you have not quite got it, my dear Lebrun," he said; "yourcolors will deceive you, and on canvas we shall lack that exactresemblance which is absolutely requisite. Time is necessary forattentively observing the finer shades.""Quite true," said Percerin, "but time is wanting, and on that head, youwill agree with me, monseigneur, I can do nothing.""Then the affair will fail," said Aramis, quietly, "and that because of awant of precision in the colors."Nevertheless Lebrun went on copying the materials and ornaments with theclosest fidelity - a process which Aramis watched with ill-concealedimpatience."What in the world, now, is the meaning of this imbroglio?" the musketeerkept saying to himself."That will never do," said Aramis: "M. Lebrun, close your box, and rollup your canvas.""But, monsieur," cried the vexed painter, "the light is abominable here.""An idea, M. Lebrun, an idea! If we had a pattern of the materials, forexample, and with time, and a better light - ""Oh, then," cried Lebrun, "I would answer for the effect.""Good!" said D'Artagnan, "this ought to be the knotty point of the wholething; they want a pattern of each of the materials. Mordioux! Willthis Percerin give in now?"Percerin, beaten from his last retreat, and duped, moreover, by thefeigned good-nature of Aramis, cut out five patterns and handed them tothe bishop of Vannes."I like this better. That is your opinion, is it not?" said Aramis toD'Artagnan."My dear Aramis," said D'Artagnan, "my opinion is that you are always thesame.""And, consequently, always your friend," said the bishop in a charmingtone."Yes, yes," said D'Artagnan, aloud; then, in a low voice, "If I am yourdupe, double Jesuit that you are, I will not be your accomplice; and toprevent it, 'tis time I left this place. - Adieu, Aramis," he addedaloud, "adieu; I am going to rejoin Porthos.""Then wait for me," said Aramis, pocketing the patterns, "for I havedone, and shall be glad to say a parting word to our dear old friend."Lebrun packed up his paints and brushes, Percerin put back the dressesinto the closet, Aramis put his hand on his pocket to assure himself thepatterns were secure, - and they all left the study.

Previous Authors:Chapter III. Who Messire Jean Percerin Was. Next Authors:Chapter V. Where, Probably, Moliere Obtained His First Idea of the Bourgeois Gentilhomme.
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