The Hare And His Ears

by Aesop


The Hare And His Ears

  The Lion had been badly hurt by the horns of a Goat, which he waseating. He was very angry to think that any animal that he chosefor a meal, should be so brazen as to wear such dangerous thingsas horns to scratch him while he ate. So he commanded that allanimals with horns should leave his domains within twenty-fourhours.

  The command struck terror among the beasts. All those who were sounfortunate as to have horns, began to pack up and move out. Eventhe Hare, who, as you know, has no horns and so had nothing tofear, passed a very restless night, dreaming awful dreams aboutthe fearful Lion.

  And when he came out of the warren in the early morning sunshine,and there saw the shadow cast by his long and pointed ears, aterrible fright seized him.

  "Goodby, neighbor Cricket," he called. "I'm off. He willcertainly make out that my ears are horns, no matter what I say."

  Do not give your enemies the slightest reason to attack yourreputation.

  Your enemies will seize any excuse to attack you.

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