Socialists Want Equality of Wealth

by Frédéric Bastiat

  Next let us examine Condillac on this subject of the legislatorsand mankind:

   "My Lord, assume the character of Lycurgus or of Solon. Andbefore you finish reading this essay, amuse yourself by giving laws tosome savages in America or Africa. Confine these nomads to fixeddwellings; teach them to tend flocks.... Attempt to develop thesocial consciousness that nature has planted in them.... Force themto begin to practice the duties of humanity.... Use punishment tocause sensual pleasures to become distasteful to them. Then you willsee that every point of your legislation will cause these savages tolose a vice and gain a virtue.

   All people have had laws. But few people have been happy.Why is this so? Because the legislators themselves have almost alwaysbeen ignorant of the purpose of society, which is the uniting offamilies by a common interest.

   Impartiality in law consists of two things: theestablishing of equality in wealth and equality in dignity among thecitizens.... As the laws establish greater equality, they becomeproportionately more precious to every citizen.... When all men areequal in wealth and dignity -- and when the laws leave no hope ofdisturbing this equality -- how can men then be agitated by greed,ambition, dissipation, idleness, sloth, envy, hatred, or jealousy?

   What you have learned about the republic of Sparta shouldenlighten you on this question. No other state has ever had laws morein accord with the order of nature; of equality."

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