36. Dream of Vengeance

by Alexandre Dumas

  That evening Milady gave orders that when M. d'Artagnan cameas usual, he should be immediately admitted; but he did notcome.The next day Kitty went to see the young man again, andrelated to him all that had passed on the preceding evening.d'Artagnan smiled; this jealous anger of Milady was hisrevenge.That evening Milady was still more impatient than on thepreceding evening. She renewed the order relative to theGascon; but as before she expected him in vain.The next morning, when Kitty presented herself atd'Artagnan's, she was no longer joyous and alert as on thetwo preceding days; but on the contrary sad as death.D'Artagnan asked the poor girl what was the matter with her;but she, as her only reply, drew a letter from her pocketand gave it to him.This letter was in Milady's handwriting; only this time itwas addressed to M. d'Artagnan, and not to M. de Wardes.He opened it and read as follows:Dear M. d'Artagnan, It is wrong thus to neglect yourfriends, particularly at the moment you are about to leavethem for so long a time. My brother-in-law and myselfexpected you yesterday and the day before, but in vain.Will it be the same this evening?Your very grateful,Milady Clarik"That's all very simple," said d'Artagnan; "I expected thisletter. My credit rises by the fall of that of the Comte deWardes.""And will you go?" asked Kitty."Listen to me, my dear girl," said the Gascon, who soughtfor an excuse in his own eyes for breaking the promise hehad made Athos; "you must understand it would be impoliticnot to accept such a positive invitation. Milady, notseeing me come again, would not be able to understand whatcould cause the interruption of my visits, and might suspectsomething; who could say how far the vengeance of such awoman would go?""Oh, my God!" said Kitty, "you know how to represent thingsin such a way that you are always in the right. You aregoing now to pay your court to her again, and if this timeyou succeed in pleasing her in your own name and with yourown face, it will be much worse than before."Instinct made poor Kitty guess a part of what was to happen.d'Artagnan reassured her as well as he could, and promisedto remain insensible to the seductions of Milady.He desired Kitty to tell her mistress that he could not bemore grateful for her kindnesses than he was, and that hewould be obedient to her orders. He did not dare to writefor fear of not being able--to such experienced eyes as thoseof Milady--to disguise his writing sufficiently.As nine o'clock sounded, d'Artagnan was at the Place Royale.It was evident that the servants who waited in theantechamber were warned, for as soon as d'Artagnan appeared,before even he had asked if Milady were visible, one of themran to announce him."Show him in," said Milady, in a quick tone, but so piercingthat d'Artagnan heard her in the antechamber.He was introduced."I am at home to nobody," said Milady; "observe, to nobody."The servant went out.D'Artagnan cast an inquiring glance at Milady. She waspale, and looked fatigued, either from tears or want ofsleep. The number of lights had been intentionallydiminished, but the young woman could not conceal the tracesof the fever which had devoured her for two days.D'Artagnan approached her with his usual gallantry. Shethen made an extraordinary effort to receive him, but neverdid a more distressed countenance give the lie to a moreamiable smile.To the questions which d'Artagnan put concerning her health,she replied, "Bad, very bad.""Then," replied he, "my visit is ill-timed; you, no doubt,stand in need of repose, and I will withdraw.""No. no!" said Milady. "On the contrary, stay, Monsieurd'Artagnan; your agreeable company will divert me.""Oh, oh!" thought d'Artagnan. "She has never been so kindbefore. On guard!"Milady assumed the most agreeable air possible, andconversed with more than her usual brilliancy. At the sametime the fever, which for an instant abandoned her, returnedto give luster to her eyes, color to her cheeks, andvermillion to her lips. D'Artagnan was again in thepresence of the Circe who had before surrounded him with herenchantments. His love, which he believed to be extinct butwhich was only asleep, awoke again in his heart. Miladysmiled, and d'Artagnan felt that he could damn himself forthat smile. There was a moment at which he felt somethinglike remorse.By degrees, Milady became more communicative. She askedd'Artagnan if he had a mistress."Alas!" said d'Artagnan, with the most sentimental air hecould assume, "can you be cruel enough to put such aquestion to me--to me, who, from the moment I saw you, haveonly breathed and sighed through you and for you?"Milady smiled with a strange smile."Then you love me?" said she."Have I any need to tell you so? Have you not perceivedit?""It may be; but you know the more hearts are worth thecapture, the more difficult they are to be won.""Oh, difficulties do not affright me," said d'Artagnan. "Ishrink before nothing but impossibilities.""Nothing is impossible," replied Milady, "to true love.""Nothing, madame?""Nothing," replied Milady."The devil!" thought d'Artagnan. "The note is changed. Isshe going to fall in love with me, by chance, this fairinconstant; and will she be disposed to give me myselfanother sapphire like that which she gave me for de Wardes?"D'Artagnan rapidly drew his seat nearer to Milady's."Well, now," she said, "let us see what you would do toprove this love of which you speak.""All that could be required of me. Order; I am ready.""For everything?""For everything," cried d'Artagnan, who knew beforehand thathe had not much to risk in engaging himself thus."Well, now let us talk a little seriously," said Milady, inher turn drawing her armchair nearer to d'Artagnan's chair."I am all attention, madame," said he.Milady remained thoughtful and undecided for a moment; then,as if appearing to have formed a resolution, she said, "Ihave an enemy.""You, madame!" said d'Artagnan, affecting surprise; "isthat possible, my God?--good and beautiful as you are!""A mortal enemy.""Indeed!""An enemy who has insulted me so cruelly that between himand me it is war to the death. May I reckon on you as anauxiliary?"D'Artagnan at once perceived the ground which the vindictivecreature wished to reach."You may, madame," said he, with emphasis. "My arm and mylife belong to you, like my love.""Then," said Milady, "since you are as generous as you areloving--"She stopped."Well?" demanded d'Artagnan."Well," replied Milady, after a moment of silence, "from thepresent time, cease to talk of impossibilities.""Do not overwhelm me with happiness," cried d'Artagnan,throwing himself on his knees, and covering with kisses thehands abandoned to him."Avenge me of that infamous de Wardes," said Milady, betweenher teeth, "and I shall soon know how to get rid of you--youdouble idiot, you animated sword blade!""Fall voluntarily into my arms, hypocritical and dangerouswoman," said d'Artagnan, likewise to himself, "after havingabused me with such effrontery, and afterward I will laughat you with him whom you wish me to kill."D'Artagnan lifted up his head."I am ready," said he."You have understood me, then, dear Monsieur d'Artagnan"said Milady."I could interpret one of your looks.""Then you would employ for me your arm which has alreadyacquired so much renown?""Instantly!""But on my part," said Milady, "how should I repay such aservice? I know these lovers. They are men who do nothingfor nothing.""You know the only reply that I desire," said d'Artagnan,"the only one worthy of you and of me!"And he drew nearer to her.She scarcely resisted."Interested man!" cried she, smiling."Ah," cried d'Artagnan, really carried away by the passionthis woman had the power to kindle in his heart, "ah, thatis because my happiness appears so impossible to me; and Ihave such fear that it should fly away from me like a dreamthat I pant to make a reality of it.""Well, merit this pretended happiness, then!""I am at your orders," said d'Artagnan."Quite certain?" said Milady, with a last doubt."Only name to me the base man that has brought tears intoyour beautiful eyes!""Who told you that I had been weeping?" said she."It appeared to me--""Such women as I never weep," said Milady."So much the better! Come, tell me his name!""Remember that his name is all my secret.""Yet I must know his name.""Yes, you must; see what confidence I have in you!""You overwhelm me with joy. What is his name?""You know him.""Indeed.""Yes.""It is surely not one of my friends?" replied d'Artagnan,affecting hesitation in order to make her believe himignorant."If it were one of your friends you would hesitate, then?"cried Milady; and a threatening glance darted from her eyes."Not if it were my own brother!" cried d'Artagnan, as ifcarried away by his enthusiasm.Our Gascon promised this without risk, for he knew all thatwas meant."I love your devotedness," said Milady."Alas, do you love nothing else in me?" asked d'Artagnan."I love you also, you!" said she, taking his hand.The warm pressure made d'Artagnan tremble, as if by thetouch that fever which consumed Milady attacked himself."You love me, you!" cried he. "Oh, if that were so, I should lose my reason!"And he folded her in his arms, She made no effort to removeher lips from his kisses; only she did not respond to them.Her lips were cold; it appeared to d'Artagnan that he hadembraced a statue.He was not the less intoxicated with joy, electrified bylove. He almost believed in the tenderness of Milady; healmost believed in the crime of de Wardes. If de Wardes hadat that moment been under his hand, he would have killedhim.Milady seized the occasion,"His name is--" said she, in her turn."De Wardes; I know it," cried d'Artagnan."And how do you know it?" asked Milady, seizing both hishands, and endeavoring to read with her eyes to the bottomof his heart.D'Artagnan felt he had allowed himself to be carried away,and that he had committed an error."Tell me, tell me, tell me, I say," repeated Milady, "how doyou know it?""How do I know it?" said d'Artagnan."Yes.""I know it because yesterday Monsieur de Wardes, in a saloonwhere I was, showed a ring which he said he had receivedfrom you.""Wretch!" cried Milady.The epithet, as may be easily understood, resounded to thevery bottom of d'Artagnan's heart."Well?" continued she."Well, I will avenge you of this wretch," repliedd'Artagnan, giving himself the airs of Don Japhet ofArmenia."Thanks, my brave friend!" cried Milady; "and when shall Ibe avenged?""Tomorrow--immediately--when you please!"Milady was about to cry out, "Immediately," but shereflected that such precipitation would not be very gracioustoward d'Artagnan.Besides, she had a thousand precautions to take, a thousandcounsels to give to her defender, in order that he mightavoid explanations with the count before witnesses. Allthis was answered by an expression of d'Artagnan's."Tomorrow," said he, "you will be avenged, or I shall bedead.""No," said she, "you will avenge me; but you will not bedead. He is a coward.""With women, perhaps; but not with men. I know something ofhim.""But it seems you had not much reason to complain of yourfortune in your contest with him.""Fortune is a courtesan; favorable yesterday, she may turnher back tomorrow.""Which means that you now hesitate?""No, I do not hesitate; God forbid! But would it be just toallow me to go to a possible death without having given meat least something more than hope?"Milady answered by a glance which said, "Is that all?--speak,then." And then accompanying the glance with explanatorywords, "That is but too just," said she, tenderly."Oh, you are an angel!" exclaimed the young man."Then all is agreed?" said she."Except that which I ask of you, dear love.""But when I assure you that you may rely on my tenderness?""I cannot wait till tomorrow.""Silence! I hear my brother. It will be useless for him tofind you here."She rang the bell and Kitty appeared."Go out this way," said she, opening a small private door,"and come back at eleven o'clock; we will then terminatethis conversation. Kitty will conduct you to my chamber."The poor girl almost fainted at hearing these words."Well, mademoiselle, what are you thinking about, standingthere like a statue? Do as I bid you: show the chevalierout; and this evening at eleven o'clock--you have heard whatI said.""It appears that these appointments are all made for eleveno'clock," thought d'Artagnan; "that's a settled custom."Milady held out her hand to him, which he kissed tenderly."But," said he, as he retired as quickly as possible fromthe reproaches of Kitty, "I must not play the fool. Thiswoman is certainly a great liar. I must take care."

Previous Authors:35. A Gascon a Match for Cupid Next Authors:37. Milady's Secret
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