D'Artagnan was acquainted with nobody in Paris. He wenttherefore to his appointment with Athos without a second,determined to be satisfied with those his adversary shouldchoose. Besides, his intention was formed to make the braveMusketeer all suitable apologies, but without meanness orweakness, fearing that might result from this duel whichgenerally results from an affair of this kind, when a young andvigorous man fights with an adversary who is wounded andweakened--if conquered, he doubles the triumph of his antagonist;if a conqueror, he is accused of foul play and want of courage.Now, we must have badly painted the character of our adventureseeker, or our readers must have already perceived thatd'Artagnan was not an ordinary man; therefore, while repeating tohimself that his death was inevitable, he did not make up hismind to die quietly, as one less courageous and less restrainedmight have done in his place. He reflected upon the differentcharacters of men he had to fight with, and began to view hissituation more clearly. He hoped, by means of loyal excuses, tomake a friend of Athos, whose lordly air and austere bearingpleased him much. He flattered himself he should be able tofrighten Porthos with the adventure of the baldric, which hemight, if not killed upon the spot, relate to everybody a recitalwhich, well managed, would cover Porthos with ridicule. As tothe astute Aramis, he did not entertain much dread of him; andsupposing he should be able to get so far, he determined todispatch him in good style or at least, by hitting him in theface, as Caesar recommended his soldiers do to those of Pompey,to damage forever the beauty of which he was so proud.In addition to this, d'Artagnan possessed that invincible stockof resolution which the counsels of his father had implanted inhis heart: "Endure nothing from anyone but the king, thecardinal, and Monsieur de Treville." He flew, then, rather thanwalked, toward the convent of the Carmes Dechausses, or ratherDeschaux, as it was called at that period, a sort of buildingwithout a window, surrounded by barren fields--an accessory tothe Preaux-Clercs, and which was generally employed as the placefor the duels of men who had no time to lose.When d'Artagnan arrived in sight of the bare spot of ground whichextended along the foot of the monastery, Athos had been waitingabout five minutes, and twelve o'clock was striking. He was,then, as punctual as the Samaritan woman, and the most rigorouscasuist with regard to duels could have nothing to say.Athos, who still suffered grievously from his wound, though ithad been dressed anew by M. de Treville's surgeon, was seated ona post and waiting for his adversary with hat in hand, hisfeather even touching the ground."Monsieur," said Athos, "I have engaged two of my friends asseconds; but these two friends are not yet come, at which I amastonished, as it is not at all their custom.""I have no seconds on my part, monsieur," said d'Artagnan; "forhaving only arrived yesterday in Paris, I as yet know no one butMonsieur de Treville, to whom I was recommended by my father, whohas the honor to be, in some degree, one of his friends."Athos reflected for an instant. "You know no one but Monsieur deTreville?" he asked."Yes, monsieur, I know only him.""Well, but then," continued Athos, speaking half to himself, "ifI kill you, I shall have the air of a boy-slayer.""Not too much so," replied d'Artagnan, with a bow that was notdeficient in dignity, "since you do me the honor to draw a swordwith me while suffering from a wound which is very inconvenient.""Very inconvenient, upon my word; and you hurt me devilishly, Ican tell you. But I will take the left hand--it is my custom insuch circumstances. Do not fancy that I do you a favor; I useeither hand easily. And it will be even a disadvantage to you; aleft-handed man is very troublesome to people who are notprepared for it. I regret I did not inform you sooner of thiscircumstance.""You have truly, monsieur," said d'Artagnan, bowing again, "acourtesy, for which, I assure you, I am very grateful.""You confuse me," replied Athos, with his gentlemanly air; "letus talk of something else, if you please. Ah, s'blood, how youhave hurt me! My shoulder quite burns.""If you would permit me--" said d'Artagnan, with timidity."What, monsieur?""I have a miraculous balsam for wounds--a balsam given to me bymy mother and of which I have made a trial upon myself.""Well?""Well, I am sure that in less than three days this balsam wouldcure you; and at the end of three days, when you would be cured--well, sir, it would still do me a great honor to be your man."D'Artagnan spoke these words with a simplicity that did honor tohis courtesy, without throwing the least doubt upon his courage."Pardieu, monsieur!" said Athos, "that's a proposition thatpleases me; not that I can accept it, but a league off it savorsof the gentleman. Thus spoke and acted the gallant knights ofthe time of Charlemagne, in whom every cavalier ought to seek hismodel. Unfortunately, we do not live in the times of the greatemperor, we live in the times of the cardinal; and three dayshence, however well the secret might be guarded, it would beknown, I say, that we were to fight, and our combat would beprevented. I think these fellows will never come.""If you are in haste, monsieur," said d'Artagnan, with the samesimplicity with which a moment before he had proposed to him toput off the duel for three days, "and if it be your will todispatch me at once, do not inconvenience yourself, I pray you.""There is another word which pleases me," cried Athos, with agracious nod to d'Artagnan. "That did not come from a manwithout a heart. Monsieur, I love men of your kidney; and Iforesee plainly that if we don't kill each other, I shallhereafter have much pleasure in your conversation. We will waitfor these gentlemen, so please you; I have plenty of time, and itwill be more correct. Ah, here is one of them, I believe."In fact, at the end of the Rue Vaugirard the gigantic Porthosappeared."What!" cried d'Artagnan, "is your first witness MonsieurPorthos?""Yes, that disturbs you?""By no means.""And here is the second."D'Artagnan turned in the direction pointed to by Athos, andperceived Aramis."What!" cried he, in an accent of greater astonishment thanbefore, "your second witness is Monsieur Aramis?""Doubtless! Are you not aware that we are never seen one withoutthe others, and that we are called among the Musketeers and theGuards, at court and in the city, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, orthe Three Inseparables? And yet, as you come from Dax or Pau--""From Tarbes," said d'Artagnan."It is probable you are ignorant of this little fact," saidAthos."My faith!" replied d'Artagnan, "you are well named, gentlemen;and my adventure, if it should make any noise, will prove atleast that your union is not founded upon contrasts."In the meantime, Porthos had come up, waved his hand to Athos,and then turning toward d'Artagnan, stood quite astonished.Let us say in passing that he had changed his baldric andrelinquished his cloak."Ah, ah!" said he, "what does this mean?""This is the gentleman I am going to fight with," said Athos,pointing to d'Artagnan with his hand and saluting him with thesame gesture."Why, it is with him I am also going to fight," said Porthos."But not before one o'clock," replied d'Artagnan."And I also am to fight with this gentleman," said Aramis, comingin his turn onto the place."But not until two o'clock," said d'Artagnan, with the samecalmness."But what are you going to fight about, Athos?" asked Aramis."Faith! I don't very well know. He hurt my shoulder. And you,Porthos?""Faith! I am going to fight--because I am going to fight,"answered Porthos, reddening.Athos, whose keen eye lost nothing, perceived a faintly sly smilepass over the lips of the young Gascon as he replied, "We had ashort discussion upon dress.""And you, Aramis?" asked Athos."Oh, ours is a theological quarrel," replied Aramis, making asign to d'Artagnan to keep secret the cause of their duel.Athos indeed saw a second smile on the lips of d'Artagnan."Indeed?" said Athos."Yes; a passage of St. Augustine, upon which we could not agree,"said the Gascon."Decidedly, this is a clever fellow," murmured Athos."And now you are assembled, gentlemen," said d'Artagnan, "permitme to offer you my apologies."At this word apologies, a cloud passed over the brow of Athos, ahaughty smile curled the lip of Porthos, and a negative sign wasthe reply of Aramis."You do not understand me, gentlemen," said d'Artagnan, throwingup his head, the sharp and bold lines of which were at the momentgilded by a bright ray of the sun. "I asked to be excused incase I should not be able to discharge my debt to all three; forMonsieur Athos has the right to kill me first, which must much diminishthe face-value of your bill, Monsieur Porthos, and renderyours almost null, Monsieur Aramis. And now, gentlemen, Irepeat, excuse me, but on that account only, and--on guard!"At these words, with the most gallant air possible, d'Artagnandrew his sword.The blood had mounted to the head of d'Artagnan, and at thatmoment he would have drawn his sword against all the Musketeersin the kingdom as willingly as he now did against Athos, Porthos,and Aramis.It was a quarter past midday. The sun was in its zenith, and thespot chosen for the scene of the duel was exposed to its fullardor."It is very hot," said Athos, drawing his sword in its turn, "andyet I cannot take off my doublet; for I just now felt my woundbegin to bleed again, and I should not like to annoy Monsieurwith the sight of blood which he has not drawn from me himself.""That is true, Monsieur," replied d'Artagnan, "and whether drawnby myself or another, I assure you I shall always view withregret the blood of so brave a gentleman. I will therefore fightin my doublet, like yourself.""Come, come, enough of such compliments!" cried Porthos."Remember, we are waiting for our turns.""Speak for yourself when you are inclined to utter suchincongruities," interrupted Aramis. "For my part, I think whatthey say is very well said, and quite worthy of two gentlemen.""When you please, monsieur," said Athos, putting himself onguard."I waited your orders," said d'Artagnan, crossing swords.But scarcely had the two rapiers clashed, when a company of theGuards of his Eminence, commanded by M. de Jussac, turned thecorner of the convent."The cardinal's Guards!" cried Aramis and Porthos at the sametime. "Sheathe your swords, gentlemen, sheathe your swords!"But it was too late. The two combatants had been seen in aposition which left no doubt of their intentions."Halloo!" cried Jussac, advancing toward them and making a signto his men to do so likewise, "halloo, Musketeers? Fightinghere, are you? And the edicts? What is become of them?""You are very generous, gentlemen of the Guards," said Athos,full of rancor, for Jussac was one of the aggressors of thepreceding day. "If we were to see you fighting, I can assure youthat we would make no effort to prevent you. Leave us alone,then, and you will enjoy a little amusement without cost toyourselves.""Gentlemen," said Jussac, "it is with great regret that Ipronounce the thing impossible. Duty before everything.Sheathe, then, if you please, and follow us.""Monsieur," said Aramis, parodying Jussac, "it would afford usgreat pleasure to obey your polite invitation if it depended uponourselves; but unfortunately the thing is impossible--Monsieur deTreville has forbidden it. Pass on your way, then; it is thebest thing to do."This raillery exasperated Jussac. "We will charge upon you,then," said he, "if you disobey.""There are five of them," said Athos, half aloud, "and we are butthree; we shall be beaten again, and must die on the spot, for,on my part, I declare I will never appear again before thecaptain as a conquered man."Athos, Porthos, and Aramis instantly drew near one another, whileJussac drew up his soldiers.This short interval was sufficient to determine d'Artagnan on thepart he was to take. It was one of those events which decide thelife of a man; it was a choice between the king and thecardinal--the choice made, it must be persisted in. To fight,that was to disobey the law, that was to risk his head, that wasto make at one blow an enemy of a minister more powerful than theking himself. All this young man perceived, and yet, to hispraise we speak it, he did not hesitate a second. Turningtowards Athos and his friends, "Gentlemen," said he, "allow me tocorrect your words, if you please. You said you were but three,but it appears to me we are four.""But you are not one of us," said Porthos."That's true," replied d'Artagnan; "I have not the uniform, but Ihave the spirit. My heart is that of a Musketeer; I feel it,monsieur, and that impels me on.""Withdraw, young man," cried Jussac, who doubtless, by hisgestures and the expression of his countenance, had guessedd'Artagnan's design. "You may retire; we consent to that. Saveyour skin; begone quickly."D'Artagnan did not budge."Decidedly, you are a brave fellow," said Athos, pressing theyoung man's hand."Come, come, choose your part," replied Jussac."Well," said Porthos to Aramis, "we must do something.""Monsieur is full of generosity," said Athos.But all three reflected upon the youth of d'Artagnan, and dreadedhis inexperience."We should only be three, one of whom is wounded, with theaddition of a boy," resumed Athos; "and yet it will not be theless said we were four men.""Yes, but to yield!" said Porthos."That is difficult," replied Athos.D'Artagnan comprehended their irresolution."Try me, gentlemen," said he, "and I swear to you by my honorthat I will not go hence if we are conquered.""What is your name, my brave fellow?" said Athos."d'Artagnan, monsieur.""Well, then, Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and d'Artagnan, forward!"cried Athos."Come, gentlemen, have you decided?" cried Jussac for the thirdtime."It is done, gentlemen," said Athos."And what is your choice?" asked Jussac."We are about to have the honor of charging you," replied Aramis,lifting his hat with one hand and drawing his sword with theother."Ah! You resist, do you?" cried Jussac."S'blood; does that astonish you?"And the nine combatants rushed upon each other with a fury whichhowever did not exclude a certain degree of method.Athos fixed upon a certain Cahusac, a favorite of the cardinal's.Porthos had Bicarat, and Aramis found himself opposed to twoadversaries. As to d'Artagnan, he sprang toward Jussac himself.The heart of the young Gascon beat as if it would burst throughhis side--not from fear, God he thanked, he had not the shade ofit, but with emulation; he fought like a furious tiger, turningten times round his adversary, and changing his ground and hisguard twenty times. Jussac was, as was then said, a fine blade,and had had much practice; nevertheless it required all his skillto defend himself against an adversary who, active and energetic,departed every instant from received rules, attacking him on allsides at once, and yet parrying like a man who had the greatestrespect for his own epidermis.This contest at length exhausted Jussac's patience. Furious atbeing held in check by one whom he had considered a boy, hebecame warm and began to make mistakes. D'Artagnan, who thoughwanting in practice had a sound theory, redoubled his agility.Jussac, anxious to put an end to this, springing forward, aimed aterrible thrust at his adversary, but the latter parried it; andwhile Jussac was recovering himself, glided like a serpentbeneath his blade, and passed his sword through his body. Jussacfell like a dead mass.D'Artagnan then cast an anxious and rapid glance over the fieldof battle.Aramis had killed one of his adversaries, but the other pressedhim warmly. Nevertheless, Aramis was in a good situation, andable to defend himself.Bicarat and Porthos had just made counterhits. Porthos hadreceived a thrust through his arm, and Bicarat one through histhigh. But neither of these two wounds was serious, and theyonly fought more earnestly.Athos, wounded anew by Cahusac, became evidently paler, but didnot give way a foot. He only changed his sword hand, and foughtwith his left hand.According to the laws of dueling at that period, d'Artagnan wasat liberty to assist whom he pleased. While he was endeavoringto find out which of his companions stood in greatest need, hecaught a glance from Athos. The glance was of sublime eloquence.Athos would have died rather than appeal for help; but he couldlook, and with that look ask assistance. D'Artagnan interpretedit; with a terrible bound he sprang to the side of Cahusac,crying, "To me, Monsieur Guardsman; I will slay you!"Cahusac turned. It was time; for Athos, whose great couragealone supported him, sank upon his knee."S'blood!" cried he to d'Artagnan, "do not kill him, young man, Ibeg of you. I have an old affair to settle with him when I amcured and sound again. Disarm him only--make sure of his sword.That's it! Very well done!"The exclamation was drawn from Athos by seeing the sword ofCahusac fly twenty paces from him. D'Artagnan and Cahusac sprangforward at the same instant, the one to recover, the other toobtain, the sword; but d'Artagnan, being the more active, reachedit first and placed his foot upon it.Cahusac immediately ran to the Guardsman whom Aramis had killed,seized his rapier, and returned toward d'Artagnan; but on his wayhe met Athos, who during his relief which d'Artagnan had procuredhim had recovered his breath, and who, for fear that d'Artagnanwould kill his enemy, wished to resume the fight.D'Artagnan perceived that it would be disobliging Athos not toleave him alone; and in a few minutes Cahusac fell, with a swordthrust through his throat.At the same instant Aramis placed his sword point on the breastof his fallen enemy, and forced him to ask for mercy.There only then remained Porthos and Bicarat. Porthos made athousand flourishes, asking Bicarat what o'clock it could be, andoffering him his compliments upon his brother's having justobtained a company in the regiment of Navarre; but, jest as hemight, he gained nothing. Bicarat was one of those iron men whonever fell dead.Nevertheless, it was necessary to finish. The watch might comeup and take all the combatants, wounded or not, royalists orcardinalists. Athos, Aramis, and d'Artagnan surrounded Bicarat,and required him to surrender. Though alone against all and witha wound in his thigh, Bicarat wished to hold out; but Jussac, whohad risen upon his elbow, cried out to him to yield. Bicarat wasa Gascon, as d'Artagnan was; he turned a deaf ear, and contentedhimself with laughing, and between two parries finding time topoint to a spot of earth with his sword, "Here," cried he,parodying a verse of the Bible, "here will Bicarat die; for Ionly am left, and they seek my life.""But there are four against you; leave off, I command you.""Ah, if you command me, that's another thing," said Bicarat. "Asyou are my commander, it is my duty to obey." And springingbackward, he broke his sword across his knee to avoid thenecessity of surrendering it, threw the pieces over the conventwall, and crossed him arms, whistling a cardinalist air.Bravery is always respected, even in an enemy. The Musketeerssaluted Bicarat with their swords, and returned them to theirsheaths. D'Artagnan did the same. Then, assisted by Bicarat,the only one left standing, he bore Jussac, Cahusac, and one ofAramis's adversaries who was only wounded, under the porch of theconvent. The fourth, as we have said, was dead. They then rangthe bell, and carrying away four swords out of five, they tooktheir road, intoxicated with joy, toward the hotel of M. deTreville.They walked arm in arm, occupying the whole width of the streetand taking in every Musketeer they met, so that in the end itbecame a triumphal march. The heart of d'Artagnan swam indelirium; he marched between Athos and Porthos, pressing themtenderly."If I am not yet a Musketeer," said he to his new friends, as hepassed through the gateway of M. de Treville's hotel, "at least Ihave entered upon my apprenticeship, haven't I?"