JIM WESTON: Guitarist, Methodist, slightly arrogant, agressive, somewhat self-important, ready with his tongue.
DAVE CARTER: Dancer, Baptist, soft, happy-go-lucky character, slightly dumb and unable to talk rapidly and wittily.
DAISY TAYLOR: Methodist, domestic servant, plump, dark and sexy, self-conscious of clothes and appeal, fickle.
JOE CLARK: The Mayor, storekeeper and postmaster, arrogant, ignorant and powerful in a self-assertive way, large, fat man, Methodist.
ELDER SIMMS: Methodist minister, newcomer in town, ambitious,small and fly, but not very intelligent.ELDER CHILDERS: Big, loose-jointed, slow spoken but not dumb. Longresident in the town, calm and sure of himself.KATIE CARTER: Dave's aunt, little old wizened dried-up lady.
MRS. HATTIE CLARK: The Mayor's wife, fat and flabby mulatto high-pitched voice.
THE MRS. REV. SIMMS: Large and agressive.
THE MRS. REV. Just a wife who thinks of details.CHILDERS:LUM BOGER: Young town marshall about twenty, tall, gangly,with big flat feet, liked to show off in public.TEET MILLER: Village vamp who is jealous of DAISY.
LIGE MOSELY: A village wag.
WALTER THOMAS: Another village wag.
ADA LEWIS: A promiscuous lover.
DELLA LEWIS: Baptist, poor housekeeper, mother of ADA.
BOOTSIE PITTS: A local vamp.
MRS. DILCIE ANDERSON: Village housewife, Methodist.
WILLIE NIXON: Methodist, short runt.