Author:Tina Cassidy
The engaging and eye-opening story of how we and our ancestors entered the world.
Through the frigid, blurry January weeks after George was born, I found myself suddenly housebound with time to ruminate - though not time to cook or take a shower. When George was peaceful, my mind returned to that nagging question: why is birth so hit and miss after all this time? I needed to put into perspective my own experience. I needed to know what other women, in other cultures, in other times had done.
Birth is a book that will open the eyes of even the most informed experts on the subject. Cassidy looks at every aspect of childbirth - from fathers and mothers to doctors and widwives across the centuries - with admirable objectivity in a work that is utterly gripping, occasionally shocking and essential reading for the human race.
Finally, a literate and well-informed history of childbirth... A liberating look at how assumptions have changed of what a good childbirth is supposed to be
—— Naomi WolfWonderful... Packed full of information, a brilliant mixture of ancient wisdom and modern science
—— Kate MosseCassidy is determined to wipe the Vaseline from the lens... There is a collective, willful amnesia about birth that has been begging for her clear-headed dissipation
—— New York Times Book ReviewA lively, engaging and often witty read; a quirky, eye-opening account of one of life's most elemental experiences
—— Boston GlobeFantastic... a darkly witty guide through the birthing hut
—— New York MagazineTired all the time? Fed up arguing about chores? Spousonomics says applying some economic rules will transform your relationship...according to the authors, [using] economic theories can be a powerful tool to making your marriage successful.
—— Daily MailA brilliant and innovative book.
—— A. J. Jacobs, author of The Know-it-AllPractical, compelling and hilarious
—— Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness ProjectFrank, funny, insightful and disconcertingly apt, this book transposes the laws and theories of economics onto emotional relationships with daring but effective aplomb.
—— Easy Living MagazineJane Shilling is an excellent writer...this is detailed, personal and memorable
—— William Leith , Evening StandardThe essay form, with its drifts and lurches, suits Shilling's purposes perfectly as she catalogues her experience of middle-ages confusion and loss... all with detail, nuance, enthusiasm and care
—— Ian Sansom , GuardianThe usual stereotypes about grumpy old women are jettisoned in favour of ironic and nuanced observations about sexuality, identity and death in this crisply written memoir about middle age
—— Benjamin Evans , Daily TelegraphAn honest midlife memoir of ageing, false expectations and unrealised dreams
—— Michael Binyon , The TimesDetailed, personable and memorable
—— William Leith , ScotsmanHer story may not be unusual, but the elegance and range of her writing most certainly is. The journey is a delight
—— Daily TelegraphFans of this beautifully crafted, critically acclaimed memoir of middle-age might well take the view that it should be distributed free on the NHS to all women over 50... a penetrating analysis of the challenges and heartaches of life's middle phase
—— Katherine Whitbourn , Daily MailShilling casts a self-critical eye over the events that have shaped her life
—— Emma Hagestadt , Independent