Author:Mike Dow
Food can create chemical reactions in the brain similar to those experienced from drugs.
Scientific research has shown that it takes two days to detox from cocaine but TWO WEEKS to detox from junk food.
It's simply not our fault we crave certain foods; we're addicted to how they make us feel.
But using training from the world-famous Betty Ford Center in California, Dr Mike Dow will guide you through his pain-free 28-day weight-loss programme. Watch the pounds drop off!
In just four weeks, you will have lost weight and be completely free from all your food cravings.
Check into Dr Dow's Diet Rehab and rid yourself of all your food addictions.
Valerie Ann Worwood is one of the world's leading aromatherapists
—— Daily MailI have done the Five Rites and passed The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth on to many friends over the years. I have recommended them without reservation
—— Martin SheenA lesson in classic storytelling… Boyne takes us on a highly original, entertaining journey that, like all great ghost stories, saves its most unexpected twist for the very end
—— Sunday IndependentGreat fun…A constant barrage of surprises and the pace is terrific
—— The Times