Author:Roger Hutchinson
Bho chionn deich bliadhna fichead, bha cnan agus cultar na Gidhlig, a bha air a bhith iomraiteach ann an Alba airson 1,300 bliadhna, a rir coltais ann an ceumannan deireannach cronadh bsmhor a mhair 200 bliadhna. Bha an ireamh de dhaoine a bhruidhinneadh Gidhlig ann an Alba air tuiteam deich uiread thairis air an linn a chaidh roimhe. Cha robh an cnan fhin cumanta ach a-mhin ann an coimhearsnachdan sgapte ceann an iar-thuath na Gaidhealtachd agus Innse Gall.Ro bhliadhnaichean trtha na ciad linne thar fhichead, ge-t, bha atharrachadh mara air tighinn. Theireadh cuid gun robh a' Ghidhlig - a bha na cuspair magaidh is nimhdeis airson ineachan - a-nise 'fasanta'. Bha obraichean Gidhlig rim faotainn; chaidh foghlam tro mheadhan na Gidhlig a stidheachadh ann an iomadh ite; agus chunnaic luchd-poileataigs agus luchd-gnomhachais gun robh buannachdan an lib a bhith cirdeil ris a' chultar. Ged a bha ireamh luchd-labhairt na Gidhlig a' sor thuiteam agus seann daoine a' caochladh, dh'fhs an cronadh na bu mhaille, agus airson a' chiad uair ann an 100 bliadhna, thisich rdachadh co-roinneil a' tighinn air an ireamh de dhaoine ga s a' cheud a bha a' cleachdadh a' chnain. B' e sersa de dh'ath-bhethachadh a bha anns na thachair: ath-bhethachadh Gidhlig a dh'fhoillsich e fhin ann an cel pop, litreachas, ealain, brdachd, foillseachadh, drma, ridio agus telebhisean. B' e morbhail annasach a bh' ann ris nach robh dil. Agus aig cridhe a' ghluasaid sin, bha foghlam. Gealach an Fhis ag innse sgeulachd aon ionaid, Sabhal Mr Ostaig, a' cholaiste Ghidhlig san Eilean Sgitheanach a tha air a bhith aig teis-meadhain an dsgaidh seo. Ach, thar gach rud, tha an leabhar a' mion-sgrdadh mar a thugadh dchas airson an ama ri teachd do chultar urramach aig m nuair a shaoilear gun robh gach n caillte.
It was fun, instructive and will appeal to the scholarly in all of us. I see no earthly reason why it should not, as it used to say on theatre posters, run and run
—— Peter Paterson , Daily MailFascinating
—— The TimesIt's the kind of show that sticks a boot up the posterior of those who claim the BBC is only interested in dumbing down pap these days
—— Dominik Diamond , Daily Star[A] witty and well-documented treatise on the ways -- some of them alarming -- in which the English language is changing
—— Winnipeg Free PressAs a poet, journalist, editor, intrepid traveller, scholar and endlessly curious spirit, Abley brings an appropriately eclectic perspective to the subject. ... Writing as an inquisitive, bemused Everyman, Abley leads us on a lively intellectual journey through uncharted territory, his comfort in the zone of ambiguity making him the ideal travel guide
—— The GazetteWell written . . . provocative
—— The New York TimesAttuned to pop culture as well as to scholarship, Abley proves a deft social anthropologist
—— The Daily TelegraphOne thing that makes Gowers such an engaging figure is that he isn't prissy, priggish or prim. As far as he is concerned, language is a living thing that is constantly changing - and this is just as it should be
—— Sunday TelegraphStill the best book on English and how to write it ... Unhappy with versions rewritten by others, Rebecca Gowers, Sir Ernest's great-granddaughter, has produced a new edition ... The result is splendid ... Gowers wrote with wit, humanity and common sense ... [his] central advice should be taped to the screen of anyone sitting down at a computer keyboard
—— Michael Skapinker , Financial TimesThe book has been modernized but preserves all its original charm ... There is arguably a greater need for its circulation among the general public [than ever before]
—— Big IssueThe zeal with which Sir Ernest uncovers error is matched only by the wit with which he chastises it
—— Evening StandardI am glad that attention should be continually drawn to copies of this book ... I am in full sympathy with the doctrine laid down by Sir Ernest Gowers
—— Sir Winston ChurchillA delight, a classic of its kind
—— John o'London's WeeklyGreat fun to read
—— EconomistBrilliant
—— New StatesmanA sweetly reasonable and wholly admirable guide
—— The TimesIt will delight far wider circles than those to whom it is primarily addressed
—— ObserverPersonal and affectionate tribute
—— Sally Morris , Daily MailAffectionate, familial tribute to this many-sided man.
—— The Catholic Herald