Author:Stephen Denny
Killing Giants unveils practical strategies for overtaking larger competitors in any market, looking at companies like that started out small but quickly dominated by using their opponents' size to their advantage. Baidu has beaten Google at search in China, and the Boston Beer Company took on Budweiser with Sam Adams Boston Lager.
Stephen Denny shows how even behemoths like Nike and Coca Cola are susceptible to small, even tiny, competitors, because of their size. Using a range of fresh case studies he explains how, by taking a fresh approach, you can carve out a larger chunk of any marketplace.
For start-up entrepreneurs, cash-strapped strategists, and other Davids armed only with their wits
—— Marty Neumeier, author of ZagIf you want to take on the big boys and win, this is required reading
—— Michael Port, author of The Think Big Manifesto[Will] give you the stones to take out the Goliath in your industry
—— Roger von Oech, author of the Creative Whack PackI almost ran out of ink underlining all the great thinking, insights, and stories
—— Eric Ryan, co-founder, MethodThe result of Delves Broughton's time there is this funny and revealing insider's view, revealing precisely because he is genuinely fascinated by the world of business, and his fascination is infectious
—— The Sunday TimesHe sets the scene brilliantly, capturing an essence of HBS that is part cult, part psychological morass, part hothouse... For anyone planning to attend this remarkable institution, Delves Broughton's book is invaluable... A quite brilliant book
—— Simon Heffer , Literary ReviewDelves Broughton sketches out the Harvard curriculum and his fellow travellers with skill and wit... His work is a handy introduction for those who crave the mega-bucks and mega-power that HBS brings many of its graduates. But while it is not the kind of book that non-business readers will naturally reach for, it deserves a broader audience
—— The TimesA useful primer for anyone considering a similar path, or just curious as to how Harvard churns out all those gleaming little masters of the universe
—— Washington PostA particularly absorbing and entertaining read
—— Financial TimesA cautionary tale for those who believe that the grass - and their future paycheck - would be greener if only they could jump the fence into the rarefied world of the Masters of Business Administration
—— New York TimesOriginal, clever, funny - and full of insights into one of the most influential insitutions in the world
—— George Osborne, Shadow Chancellor of the ExchequerWhat They Teach You...' is a hilarious, perceptive and unflinching account of the strange world of Harvard Business School, its students and the wider world of business which they are set to dominate. It is the Liar's Poker of the MBA set. Destined to become a classic
—— Albert Read, General Manager of Conde NastInformative, wry, and well-written, this book will make rewarding and pleasurable reading for anybody wishing to understand why business is the way it is.
—— John Cassidy, staff writer for The New Yorker and author of Dot.ConKirkpatrick's amazing reporting details what happens when a hacker culture turns into a multi-billion-dollar firm. Mark Zuckerberg sought to maintain that hacker energy, and it's fascinating to hear what resulted
—— Chris Anderson, Editor of Wired and author of The Long TailEngrossing. . . . A detailed and scrupulously fair history of [Facebook]
—— Rich Jaroslovsky , Bloomberg Businessweek