Author:James Alexander
Incompetent co-worker? Annoying neighbour? Rubbish friend? Colour away your frustration with over thirty-five delightful and vulgar phrases you wish you’d said out loud.
Each single-sided page includes such tension-busting phrases as, 'Seriously, Bitch?' and 'Oh look ... the fuck-up fairy has visited' alongside friendly critters and intricate flora to calm your nerves.
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WARNING contains seriously colourful language!
This is the perfect book for Star Wars fans. It will speak to the inner fangirl/fanboy in all of us… It is the most enjoyable one that I have read in a long time
These stories range from laugh out loud funny to heartbreaking as some of the coolest voices in speculative fiction take their crack at some Star Wars side characters. I hope this series continues for each film – Featured as a Top Book of 2017
—— Den of GeekI was so excited about this book and it didn't let me down… If you love Star Wars and want to read some fun stories from the galaxy I can't recommend this enough! It will remind you why you love Star Wars and, you'll find some new authors along the way.
—— Word from a Reader blogNot only answers a big question fans have been wanting to know the answer to for 40 years about why Luke has no cousins, but also is a step in the right direction with inclusivity
—— The Future of the Force blogI was so excited about this book and it didn't let me down… If you love Star Wars and want to read some fun stories from the galaxy I can't recommend this enough! It will remind you why you love Star Wars and, you'll find some new authors along the way
—— Words from a ReaderI alternately sniggered and raged my way through this book. Devilishly genius.
—— Caroline Criado-PerezA simple idea, beautifully executed, which pithily derides the blind eye that allows sexism to become endemic.
—— Richard HerringFor feminism that makes you laugh. Despair, but also laugh.
—— Glosswitch, New StatesmanI simply love @manwhohasitall. Nothing points up the absurdity and inequality of debates about care and career as effectivly as simply putting the shoe on the other foot. Follow him on Twitter and read this book!
—— Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO, New AmericaHilarious and eye-opening.
—— Huffington PostPlayfully subversive and long overdue, this book takes those ubiquitous gender stereotypes and grinds them to dust. Very funny indeed.
—— Rebecca FrontMaking everyone giggle.
—— New York PostPerfect satire.
—— UpworthyIf you love satire, you'll love this.
—— Viv Groskop on Woman's HourTerrific!
—— Joanne Harris