Author:Deepak Chopra
Now available in b format, Perfect Digestion shows you how to:
* Understand your digestive tract
* Fine-tune your diet to minimise intestinal problems
* Discover the relationship between your emotions and your gut
* Learn how biological rhythms affect your whole digestive system.
Throughout this helpful and essential book, Deepak Chopra offers practical advice on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhoea, gaseousness and other digestive disorders which have such a distressing effect on so many people. As the world's leading exponent of mind-body medicine, Dr Chopra explains the importance of considering the body as a whole and the many useful techniques and insights which Ayurvedic medicine uses to combat these ailments - to make you feel healthier and brighter than you have for many a day.
A must for parents of children with Down's Syndrome
—— Baby & YouArousal represents an important advance in psychoanalytic thinking about sexual fantasies.
—— Nancy FridayA parent's saviour
—— Normandie Keith , YOU Magazine