Author:Tony Bradman
A cloned boy looking for his 'father'; the dramatic rescue of a captive tiger; the submersion of the Scottish isles in a flood; a girl who finds out why cyber-pets will never be as good as the real thing - these are among the fascinating scenarios conjured up in this world-shattering collection of original stories. Published for the new Millenium, contributing authors include such well-respected names as Jan Mark and Mary Hoffman.
As always in Jacqueline Wilson's brilliant books, she gets right to the heart of all those things that kids love and hate and The Worst Thing About My Sister is full of fun, frolics and little pearls of wisdom. Here she focuses on that old family chestnut - sibling rivalry - and gives quarrelling sisters plenty of food for thought
—— Pam Norfolk , Blackpool GazetteAll fans of Jacqueline Wilson's warm-hearted family stories are sure to enjoy this enjoyable tale
—— BooktrustSibling rivalry comes under the spotlight in Wilson’s latest paperback
—— The BooksellerGayle Forman writes in beautiful, elegant prose that is so saturated with emotion it can't fail to give you the occasional lump in your throat
—— SugarscapeAbsolutely captivating . . . filled with such heartbreak and sadness but also the same beauty and hope that stole my heart with If I Stay
—— Fluttering ButterfliesWhere She Went is utterly breathtaking
—— The Crooked ShelfBrims with elegant prose, enchantment, comedy and mischief . . . It's the perfect gift but also a book to squirrel away for yourself and enjoy on a rainy afternoon
—— IndependentSmartly written, the tales can be enjoyed afresh, imbued with a love of words that will no doubt excite and delight your child. The new hardback collection is printed in large type so should be a good first read. It would also make a lovely gift
—— JuniorEach of the stories in this anthology is a magic bean: a wondrous take that will capture your imagination. Lovingly crafted by some of the finest authors and illustrators in the business . . . these 'magic beans' will delight and thoroughly entertain
—— Anne Whelton , Maternity MagazineAll the stories give a fresh and immediate version of the often cruel but funny originals where the darkest sides of human nature are contrasted against innocent honesty; magic intervening first on one side, then the other, until virtue triumphs. Skilful writing from modern storytellers
—— Tina Massey , CarouselA bright cover and good sized print are attractive but the irresistible factor is the list of 14 authors . . . Amazing, brilliant and a comparative bargain
—— The School LibrarianStephens' top-notch time-travel thriller has a quirky mixed bag of heroes and villains, a clever and compelling plotline and graphic action sequences that just cry out for the big screen treatment
—— Pam Norfolk , Lytham St Annes ExpressA wonderful story you can easily lose yourself in
—— Notes of LifeFirst-rate fantasy
—— Armadillo