Author:Willard Price
'It's a lost world out there'
Hal and Roger Hunt sink deep into danger when a specimen-collecting trip takes them into the lost world of the South Seas. But the deep-sea trawl has a hidden agenda - a top secret mission for Professor Stuyvesant, and his scientific experiments in Pearl Lagoon . . .
Price knew all the right buttons to press to excite a young reader - exotic locations, nasty villains, wild animals and lashings of peril
—— David Barnett , GuardianWillard Price makes the pulse-rate soar
—— Independent on SundayThe Jack Stalwart books have been a great weapon in the bookseller's armoury for hooking reluctant readers. Now re-launched, they are set to reach a much wider audience of young readers who want a piece of the secret-agent action
—— Sarah Moore , Publishing NewsGayle Forman writes in beautiful, elegant prose that is so saturated with emotion it can't fail to give you the occasional lump in your throat
—— SugarscapeAbsolutely captivating . . . filled with such heartbreak and sadness but also the same beauty and hope that stole my heart with If I Stay
—— Fluttering ButterfliesWhere She Went is utterly breathtaking
—— The Crooked ShelfBrims with elegant prose, enchantment, comedy and mischief . . . It's the perfect gift but also a book to squirrel away for yourself and enjoy on a rainy afternoon
—— IndependentSmartly written, the tales can be enjoyed afresh, imbued with a love of words that will no doubt excite and delight your child. The new hardback collection is printed in large type so should be a good first read. It would also make a lovely gift
—— JuniorEach of the stories in this anthology is a magic bean: a wondrous take that will capture your imagination. Lovingly crafted by some of the finest authors and illustrators in the business . . . these 'magic beans' will delight and thoroughly entertain
—— Anne Whelton , Maternity MagazineAll the stories give a fresh and immediate version of the often cruel but funny originals where the darkest sides of human nature are contrasted against innocent honesty; magic intervening first on one side, then the other, until virtue triumphs. Skilful writing from modern storytellers
—— Tina Massey , CarouselA bright cover and good sized print are attractive but the irresistible factor is the list of 14 authors . . . Amazing, brilliant and a comparative bargain
—— The School LibrarianStephens' top-notch time-travel thriller has a quirky mixed bag of heroes and villains, a clever and compelling plotline and graphic action sequences that just cry out for the big screen treatment
—— Pam Norfolk , Lytham St Annes ExpressA wonderful story you can easily lose yourself in
—— Notes of LifeFirst-rate fantasy
—— Armadillo