Author:Terry Pratchett
In the beginning, there was nothing but endless flatness. Then came the Carpet...
That's the old story everyone knows and loves (even if they don't really believe it). But now the Carpet is home to many different tribes and peoples and there's a new story in the making. The story of Fray, sweeping a trail of destruction across the Carpet. The story of power-hungry mouls - and of two Munrung brothers, who set out on an adventure to end all adventures when their village is flattened...
First written by Terry Pratchett, aged 17, and revised by the internationally acclaimed author at the age of 43, this edition now includes 16 pages of Terry's own full colour illustrations.
Only a writer with a masterstroke of imagination could place an entire empire of goodies and baddies within the fronds of a carpet
—— Daily MailMouth-watering attention to names and place names... adding greatly to the story's enjoyment factor. The story itself - part saga, legend and adventure - swings along at a fair old clatter. Terry Pratchett's writing is vivid and immediate. He wastes no time. There is little padding. The swiftness of the storyline is everything.... For young readers unaware of Pratchett's oeuvre, The Carpet People is a fine introduction
—— The Junior BookshelfWacky, weird stuff which should make you think twice about crossing the living room!
—— TV Hits MagazineIt's a winner
—— School Librarian