Author:Susan Greenfield
The book is an exploration of how this century is going to change not just the way we think, but also what we actually think with - our own individual minds. How will new technologies transform the way we see the world? At the beginning of the twenty-first century, we may be standing on the brink of a mind make-over far more cataclysmic than anything that has happened before. As we appreciate the dynamism and sensitivity of our brain circuitry, so the prospect of directly tampering with the essence of our individuality becomes a possibility.
Gems of evolutionary and natural-history wisdom
—— Steven Rose , Sunday TimesNot only one of the finest scientific minds of the later 20th century, but also one of its greatest polymaths... A wonderfully eclectic collection-a fine introduction to a brilliant mind
—— The TimesIt is hard to think of any one else with this combination of polymathic ability and of sheer cheek...original and controversial...quintessentially revealing
—— SpectatorThis is not a book for the bedside table. It sets the mind racing too wildly for sleep
—— New ScientistHigh in emotion and rich in historical perspective-one of our most gifted and productive science writers... He pioneered an explosion in the popularisation of science but has never been bettered in the process
—— Robin McKie , ObserverIn this witty account of his year, Hickman discusses matters that are of importance to us all...
—— Glasgow HeraldThis is the book you need to kick-start a green and guilt-free lifestyle.
—— V MagazineHis account of the year is very entertaining.
—— Colchester Evening Gazette